Legalization in california (Bill AB 390)


Active Member
As many west coast US citizens know, californias assembly man Ammiono has intrudeced the legalization of marijuana for people age 21 and over. also known as bill AB 390

Does anyone know when this vote is taking place? cuz i am totally guna move if this passes :peace:

Comment away :bigjoint:

- ballin420


Active Member
As many west coast US citizens know, californias assembly man Ammiono has intrudeced the legalization of marijuana for people age 21 and over. also known as bill AB 390

Does anyone know when this vote is taking place? cuz i am totally guna move if this passes :peace:

Comment away :bigjoint:

- ballin420
Second that. Time to head out Californy-way!! Hah the state is going to be swimming in cash when every stoner in the U.S. floods in to participate in the new economy.


Well-Known Member
Ya i live in cali i would really care less if it was legal or not its so easy to get here everyone grows and if they make it legal here i will grow and go to diffrent sates and sell :)


Active Member
It has to pass the legislation first and it was just introduced. If you live in Cally you should contact your state assembly person and ask them to vote for it!


Active Member
to norcal, yeah, thats a pretty good point but it would be pretty great to just have to go to a smoke shop and buy some cheap bud


Active Member
no biggy if its legal or not... but it would make me alot happier that weeds treated like it should be, its my body and ill alter it however i want, weather its getting fat or drunk or stoned so stick that in your pipe and smoke it government.


Well-Known Member
It went up for vote the first time last monday and I haven't heard anything more since then but the last couple weeks Nor cal has been buzzing about it on the news, radios, papers...The majority all in support...

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i bet this will probably get shot down because then it would mean they would have to let people out of jail and you know how much they hate that


Well-Known Member
Well its the first step toward legalization and Cali will be the first state legal forsure. It's gonna be a long road but look at the progress we've made sine passing prop 215 in 1996....We're not that far away...


Well-Known Member
I HOPE marijuana isnt ever legalized. Why? So we can get charged $50 for a gram of bud?

medical marijuana is one thing. But being privileged to smoke is dumb.

so much for "medicine"


Well-Known Member
I HOPE marijuana isnt ever legalized. Why? So we can get charged $50 for a gram of bud?

medical marijuana is one thing. But being privileged to smoke is dumb.

so much for "medicine"

i thought legalizing it would make prices lower not higher but idk?

whats everyone else think?

legalizing it =higher/lower prices?


Well-Known Member
Lower until the government and state gets their tax on it then it will be atleast the same price or higher..


Well-Known Member
if they legalize you think they are going to spend time going out and making sure everyone who grows pays 50 bucks? i venture a guess as the prices/taxes would be on the commercial grocery store shit.


Well-Known Member
its $50/oz tax, not 50/g. legalizing it will drive the price down a good bit bc if this is gonna work, its gotta be alot cheaper than the black market aka dealers. im sure alcohol back when prohibition was in effect was expensive as shit, but look at it now..the point of this is to lower the prices so more ppl buy from the govt so they can regulate/tax it


Well-Known Member
$50 ounce tax for dispenseries

$5,000 first time grower tax and then $2,500 annually for vendors (Corrected, Thanks!)
(Per Vendor License)

These are the proposed taxes I read in a Local Paper.


Well-Known Member
but for the people who grow to sell its a bad thing that the prices go down. Selling on the street or to the dispensary.

People that own dispensaries will pretty much have customers by the balls.

TBH, id ont read up on this. This has just always been my take on it since i became involved with self-medication.


Well-Known Member
yea, but their shit wont be sprayed with shit by companies producing chemical super cannabis. there will still be a demand for good organicish cannabis.


Well-Known Member
go for it california if the law pases there within 2 years the hole country will follow.Then maybe canadian politicians wont be afraid to legalize ganja in canada.I believe that the only reason weed is illegal in canada is because of our neighbor.If canada would grow some balls we could start the ball rolling and make life alot easier for alot of people.just the opinion of an old uneducated pot head