Legal To Grow Two Plants In Vermont!?


Well-Known Member
Heyo Boyos.

So according to NORML, the state of vermont marijuana laws do not list any sort of punishment for growing less than three plants. This is odd because they list 3-99 Plants as a felony but nothing short.

Does this mean two plants can technically be classified as a legal endeavor?



Well-Known Member
what thats fucking sick ..i bet that if you get caught up with just 2 plants that you would just get a simple misdemeanor possession charge.

thats pretty cool even tho i live in CALIFORNIA AND IM PROP 215 legal anyways lol


Active Member
cause for all they know they think your growing to sell, they just want another law breaker off the streets if you can put yourself in the feds shoes to think about it ya know?


Well-Known Member
why do they weigh the soil and pot that is lame...
I'm pretty sure that, legally, the courts classify between usable and unusable plant material. Meaning that if you get busted with a mature plant, they weigh only the plant itself.

Could be wrong though. Man could you imagine having like a 95 gram plant and then get fucked because you loved giving it superthrive because of the massive root system. haha sucks


Well-Known Member
and not to mention that pigs dont manicure and dry before weighing lol.

ohios sick too i guess i never new there were states with such forgiving


Well-Known Member
less then 2 plants that wouldn't consider cultivation, just possession so then it would depend on weight of plant matter.


Well-Known Member
less then 2 plants that wouldn't consider cultivation, just possession so then it would depend on weight of plant matter.
Shit. Thats no good. Do you think they would count an ounce of leaf and undried bud as an ounce?
On the Big Island of Hawaii adults are permitted 24 plants and up to 24 oz of dried on their own property. This differs from the State laws. This is Hawaii County Only. Check out last Nov. Question 1 Hawaii County.

Its nice being 6000 miles from nowhere.

Also chek out Alaskas law on the books:)