Left my growtent open


So, i basically left my growtent open for a few hours (of supposed dark time). Are my plants screwed?
Im in the first few days of flowering (12/12 light scheme) with some plants, and the rest are Autos that have been flowering for a few weeks at least.


Active Member
I was hoping to read something dreadful and amazing like... I left my grow tent open for a few hours today. The house reeked so dreadfully the neighbor's dog began barking a clawing at my door.... Soon enough I was on the phone with grandma from the police station begging her to post my bail.

done this myself. Wouldn't think it'll cause a problem so soon after the flip to 12/12. I have forgotten later into flower and hermied a plant or two in my time.


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't be a problem, might take a couple more days than normally to start budding otherwise don't worries


Well-Known Member
its only the begining but I wouldnt make a habit of this.....

ITs one of the reason I am trying to steer people away from tents.... that and alot of them have light leak issues even when closed all the way up.


its only the begining but I wouldnt make a habit of this.....

ITs one of the reason I am trying to steer people away from tents.... that and alot of them have light leak issues even when closed all the way up.
Indeed. Mine does too. Not much.
Im actually quite dissapointed. If you look closely at some seems, and some spots where you open and close, when the room the tent is in you can see small spots of light penetrating.

But what is the alternative?