Leds vs cfls


Active Member

I posted this in another part of the forum an got no responses so can one of you kind souls please help a grower in need.

If you were to get LED bulbs in the spectrum of light that the plants absorb .. "blue red" ... whatever else i may be forgetting at the moment ..

would it work for growing?

Would these colored leds effectively grow my pot.. haha

Im looking for an energy effecient solution to all my growing needs .. Ive only grew once before an had only one female .. I used a 27 watt cfl tube an a 14 watt cfl bulb for the entire grow to only yeild about a half O ... which was quite sad..

I know that this is nowhere near enough light an i would really appreciate sum help on the subject.. my box is made of white cardboard and hps / mh would prob set fire to the whole operation ..

what can I do to get a good two ounces or so with cfl ..or leds

im germinating 3 seeds i found in various weed that i got over time

A kush a purp an some dankky buds

I really would like to do it correctly this time but ... i dont wanna draw attention to light bill ..
an if i get a male i may leave him in to cross breed the plants together for some crazy hybrid buds hahaha
Sooooooooo ...

With that said im growing in reg potting soil .. due to money issues i cant go hydro ..

and I have no nutrients for the plants due to using them all in last crop .. I need a cheap solution to these problems .. Any 1 got any ideas? :fire: