Led Users Unite!

Green Life

I'm using 40 watt red LEDs + a 25watt Fluro light, and my little chuntertop is growing like a champ! (also its a new strain)


Well-Known Member
I have yet to see the journal in question, but my last grow with a 180w led yielded 4 ounces and I know for a fact I could have gotten more. 6 ounces could very well be possible if everything is dialed in right.
Damn 4 oz off a 180w light is dern good :-)


Well-Known Member
It's pretty obvious ledbudguy did not get what he was claiming, the plants looked scraggly from the word go, if he gets what he claimed when I asked him his total expected yield which was 2130grams, (he said this in his thread by the way) I will eat my hat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Lol man theres always a battle of the leds goin on here I got my blackstar and I love it although it does have a small footprint if used correctly I think ill pull a good yield. Ive got it paired up with a 150 hps for now (cause my lemon skunk stretched like a bitch) but next grow ima do bubblicious using only the blackstar. As far as my grow goes ive got half the plant under one light and half under the other. The hps buds are fatter already but the led buds have alot more hairs and the hairs are way thicker. Ive only had hairs for like two weeks so nothing impressive but it looks promising enough to me.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha like i said bro your lsd dried looked like shit scraggly shit i went through your long ass waste of a time thread and finally found those other pics and stated after that they looked better for sure. this is my first led and first hydro run broski ive dealt with hps grows you wouldnt dream of having a part in. my tent right now has a 120w led running at probly 80w and its still gonna pull better quality shit than your weak ass strains grab a hold of some good kush or an exotic blueberry or some shit stop fucking around with those weak ass online seed bank strains or where ever the fuck you got that shit. ill have some shit up soon enough that will quiet your little trolling spree untill then fuck off onto your own thread hater .


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube;uy3PQppU_as]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uy3PQppU_as[/video]also i noticed you posted an old vid, at that point i thought they were gonna die for sure. heres what they look like now , im not saying there gonna get an ounce per plant or whatever i dont know only time will tell but the smell and trichlome count right now are enough to make me a very happy man. dont come on here bash leds and not expect to get some haste i dont make claims about shit i dont know about cause it makes me sound like a fuck ass maybe take that into consideration you hop on a thread and start bashin.


Active Member
Man I love roll it up where else can u see beautiful plants growing and then two posts down laugh your ass off at someone elses gettin a lil bit of forum justice.


Well-Known Member
and about your 4 and a half ounces of one plant congrats man not suprising considering you used a 400w light ...... o.3 grams per watt lol watch out for slugger here.


Active Member
Anyones first LED grow should never be taken too seriously. The first grow is used to calibrate the grow and figure out what works best. So far I figured out that putting light 8" above the seedling causes too tight of nodes and I'm raising it to 10" so I don't need surgical tools to crop the tops. :P I also will never ever use a seedling mix again (Pete Moss) because with LED's and the temps not surpassing 77F, that shit never drys out! I have never had plants with water stress in my life and the few seedling that I placed in my own seedling mix have double the leaf size and no signs of water stress.

I will say that I have never had control over the node spacing and height like I do with LED's, since there's no heat but mega light I actually can have to tight of a node structure which is interesting. There is definitely a learning curve to adapting to using LED's and until a grower figures out all the tricks and practices you won't see the actual potential. Shit also wanted to add that I think based on a few journals that LED light might cause a different nute uptake and different brand panels have a impact on the shade of green of the plant. There is a journal where the guy split the grow chamber with 2 different panels and had the same strain, temps, nutes but one panel produced much darker green plants then the other, so perhaps using different brand panels together might be a smart move to get different types of light bands?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed different uptake on nutes as well (compared to my old HID set up). I think it was just the heat drying out the soil though. I've still dialed it back to about 3/4 the strength I was using w/ hps.


Well-Known Member
Damn 4 oz off a 180w light is dern good :-)
Thank you! I even had a few hiccups that decreased my yield on that run too. Add that to the fact that 2 of the 3 plants I grew were autos that I ran at 12/12 and I think it's safe to assume that I could have gotten quite a bit more.


Well-Known Member
damn man i like you hydro "craddles" im looking into constructing a few of some similar units great job!


Well-Known Member
that looks blinding dude. Is it a necessary to ware uv protective sunglasses when using leds?
Yes sunglasses are a must when in the room. I usually turn 2 lights off when I am working on the farm. You will literally get a headache and everything will look green when you come out.