LED Stealth Hydro Grow PICS!!


Active Member
Here they are. 3 strong ones at 3 weeks old. Switching to week 4 nutes per Fox Farm hydro schedule. This light is impressive and very cool running. This is bagseed so who knows the strain. Looks indica with the 9 and 11 point leaves. Thanks Roseman for all the great support threads. I am an addicted bubblehead.



Active Member
I just had another amazing newbie discovery. I've been extremely cautious about adding nutrients to pH adjusted water. However, I just added my Fox Farms straight to my tap water and tested it.....5.8. It was perfect! So I mixed up all 6 gallons of nutrients one gallon at a time and tested the reservoir. 5.8. Is it just that simple? I have a HUGE jug of pH down that I just bought due to going through small bottle after bottle of fish store pH down trying to get it perfect and when I just left it alone and mixed the goods my problems were solved.


Active Member
They just look like you could lick em, get jacked up and be well on your way to a Pink Floyd laser light show!


Active Member
They just look like you could lick em, get jacked up and be well on your way to a Pink Floyd laser light show!

...Man they STINK too! I'm definitely doing Roseman's bucket odor killer. Smelled that ONA stuff yesterday and MAN it's strong.


Well-Known Member
can you flower with the leds?........they look great by the way
I tried the LED on my first grow. (signature) My top bud turned white don't know why, it smoked great though. Real upper buz. Grew from bag seed. It turned out to be sativa so it got really tall. I like the LED cause of low energy use and zero heat.


Active Member
So I have this one MONSTER and two smaller ones. The smaller two are the same size but the larger one is WAAAAAY ahead of the game. My instinct and previous experience tells me I have two ladies and Mr. in the house. What do you guys think? I'm 4 days into the week 4 schedule and 3 days from switching my lights to 12/12. Pics below......


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
It could be a male but not necessarily. Are any of them showing signs of sex yet? If not you should be able to tell in about 2 weeks.


Active Member
No positive signs of sex yet. I've been reading about pre-flowers on here and now I swear I can see tiny little somethings on the nodes. I'll try to get my camera to focus on one and post it. I can't wait to know for sure though!


Active Member
So here's the best pic my camera would take. I'm talking about the little tiny spots on the node. Looks like somethin. I know what a male looks like when it's showing during flower but I'm all interested in the pre-flower now. The other pic was my first soil grow. SHe was tied down in a tiny cabinet with my old UFO that went half-out 3 weeks in.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Hmmm it's hard to tell. I see what you''re talking about but it's indefinite at this point. I'm sure it's killing you to wait to see how many females you have but only time will tell. Be patient and good luck!


Active Member
So one male and one female so far. Male is looooooooooong gone. Glad it was my runt that didn't look so good. I still can't tell on the biggest one. I'm pullin sooo hard for female though. TIme will tell!! Got one though so I'm honored!!


Active Member
I saw the evil balls on my big bastard this morning....so that's two male for sure and 1 female. It was sad to pull my biggest plant of the bunch but I'm in full nurture mode for the female I got. I didn't want that big bastard putting his polleny pause all over my little girl. I'm curious to see how she'll do now with all the light and the entire reZ for just her. She's definitely an indica strain with the short stalky bushy look. And the stink. Makes me wanna clone her and grow some nice small lowriders! How much growth can I expect now that flowering has started?

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear that you're down to just 1 female. At least you can give her the best care possible, and like you said, she has the whole space to herself. As for your question, the plants usually grow to about twice the size during flowering. If it's indica, it will stop growing after about 2 weeks of 12/12 light. Post some pics when you get the chance.