Led spacing


Well-Known Member
Question , I have 4 mars 300 running together and I have 2 units that touch each other in order to keep them inline. Is there any danger if the housing units touch each other while they are on or do I have to try and space them out?


Well-Known Member
Question , I have 4 mars 300 running together and I have 2 units that touch each other in order to keep them inline. Is there any danger if the housing units touch each other while they are on or do I have to try and space them out?
In theory the cases will not be live, so perfectly safe to have them touching electrically speaking, tho you need to be mindful of creating hotspots in the light distribution from overlapping light 'cones', most CoB style led's emit a 115 deg cone of light, try to visualise that like an upside down ice cream cone and avoid having too many cones meet on a single area, a simple light meter will help define the correct spacing for you setup as this differs greatly with differing heights and emission patterns.