LED grow lights

Hello Experts...

I've read that the LED grow lights are 80% more efficient over other grow lights. (cost less to operate) Are they a good source to grow plants indoors? Since I've never grown any plants in doors, I would like to know what grow lights would be the best to use? The LED grow lights seem like they would be the best way to go. I've yet to read testimonials from people. Any thoughts, comments or suggestions are more than welcome...

Thanks, :peace:


Well-Known Member
i dont know much about the led lights ,

but i just dont see how they can compete with hids

mh/hps lights put out so much lumens and those leds dont put out shit really in lumens ,

maybe theirs more to it , hell idk lol ..


Active Member
LED's are effective if the panel is effective. There are night and day differences between panels. I would suggest going with a 2 watt or 3 watt diode, quad band. A few things to remember about LED's. There is no far red spectrum in LED's and this is the part of the spectrum that travels through the canopy and signals the shaded branches to grow out into the light. So that could be an issue for you. Also, I would suggest that depending on how big of a plant(s) you are going to grow under the LED's that you lessen the angle of spread. So if you plan on growing short plants than use a 120 degrees, if you are going to grow larger and taller plants, I would go with a panel that uses a 90 degree spread instead.

Another thing to remember is that LED's don't produce any UV-B either which is tied to THC potency. Not that HPS or Flourscent produce any either... LED's are more efficent in how much usable light (PAR) they produce per watt than HID lighting. I think the best is probably a combo as LED all by itself won't don't the job unless you are growing single colas.. Just my 2 cents.. But you can supplement LED's with just CFL and you are doing good and not having issues with shading and no branching response in the shade..


Well-Known Member
A regular cheap ass HPS light (Min 400 watts) is cheaper and more effective than the best LED grow rig out there. The only thing LED is really good for is where heat is a large issue, otherwise HID lighting is way more bang for the buck. LED's WILL grow plants no doubt, but they have some more work before they are the equivalent to HID.