Led grow box


Active Member

I ve already bought a box from these guys... and i was very happy with results but unfortunately i had to give it to a friend cause i changed the city i was leaving and couldnt take it with me. (maybe some of you remember it)

now the problem.

i want to buy an other one BUT i ve never grown with LED lights.

they offer a led grow box with a 180w LED UFO.

Will this be enough for 3-4 autoflowers?

i dont have any idea about led lights.

Could any experienced growers (led growers) advise me?

this is the box i m reffering to http://stealthgrowbox.co.uk/stealth-grow-boxes/led-stealth-grow-box/

thank you


Well-Known Member
About 1.5 oz per plant dried and manicured, no big stems adding pride weight. I run 3-5 plants total, with two usually only in small pots on the outskirts.


Well-Known Member
With a 90w actual led you are pulling 1.5 ounces per with 5 plants underneath? I am sorry, but that is must see TV lol. You would grow better plants with a 150 Hps in that space, or upgrade the LED...why not just get a cheap tent and(here I'm assuming you are European because of the £ signs) get a Bonsai Hero and go to town.


Well-Known Member

I ve already bought a box from these guys... and i was very happy with results but unfortunately i had to give it to a friend cause i changed the city i was leaving and couldnt take it with me. (maybe some of you remember it)

now the problem.

i want to buy an other one BUT i ve never grown with LED lights.

they offer a led grow box with a 180w LED UFO.

Will this be enough for 3-4 autoflowers?

i dont have any idea about led lights.

Could any experienced growers (led growers) advise me?

this is the box i m reffering to http://stealthgrowbox.co.uk/stealth-grow-boxes/led-stealth-grow-box/

thank you
I don't know where your living but I'm sure you could find cheaper LED luminaries with better power draws than that UFO you linked, such as BlackStar or some other popular LED light. I'm not sure you can effectively grow ~5 plants with a single retail LED unit without spending over $400.

Your best bet is a DIY LED light fixture, preferably with COBs.


Active Member
I think i m going to buy it... my budget is not high and i cant find a box with these specifications at a lower price.

I will let you know about the results!

Thank you for the info!