Lebanon's Drug Valley (video)


Well-Known Member

I am a stoner and a weirdo who is interested in the international drug(s) trade. Tracking cocaine from it's roots in south America allllllllllllllllll they way to the middle east and Europe is pretty trippy. Just saw a report the other day about Columbians now using the former Soviet republic of Montenegro as a transshipment point for coke going into Western Europe.

I also wanna point out that the "dealer" probably has nothing to do with Hezbollah. The wine bottle alone makes me think he could care less about Islam, he is in it for the $$$$$.


Active Member
Haha, so proud of their red hash. I think they are definitely making more than 2,000 dollars a day


daamn that guy is fucking nuts...ive been paranoid to ask a taxi driver for weed down here in cancun...he goes to lebanon asking all those questions w a camera....i have to say he is a fucking crazy bastard!!!