Leaves Yellowing And Curling! Help!


Active Member
400w hps for veg/flwr
miracle gro potting mix mixed w/ 1/3 perlite

My girls are starting to look sick, getting yellowish spots and curling funny on certain leaves. One of them I think is very overwatered but I don't see how, the others don't seem to be affected by it and they get watered just as much. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong? The only thing I've done since the beginning is use a slight amount of dolomite lime to adjust ph in my tap water.


Well-Known Member
if my vision serves me correctly ( and im drunk so i wouldnt doubt if it doesnt ) i see your thermometer reads 100+ degrees... if thats correct then your plants are curling because they are dying.. you need to get that temp down right now.. they will stop growing at about 90 degrees and they start using all resources stored in their leaves at temps over 100 ( i.e. DYING )

other than that .. your using miracle grow.. its got nutes in it that will fuck your plants royally.. so besides conditions and medium i think your alright ( you have a nice light ) but thats it! you need to get some soilless mix and fix that temp! where the hell do u live? the desert?

Do you have ventillation?


Well-Known Member
So no nutes? It still looks like heat...do you have a fan...I try to roll in the mid seventies. How big are the pots? If you water them all the same how is one over watered and not the rest? Do you mist them? That one crinkly one makes me want to cry mist her or something right now....awwww


Well-Known Member
definately looks like heat.. those temps u say are okay but how far away is the light?

ps - placing the 3rd degree burn victim on a black leather sofa wont make it feel any more comfortable


Well-Known Member
wait a second.. thats not even real leather! that looks like a basketball painted black! u cheap bastard! haha jk


Well-Known Member
you should consider a better growing medium.. miracle grow and High Pressure Sodiums are an oxymoron


Active Member
Don't rag on my chair! :P Actually the light was getting rather close and I did just have to move it, but I did the hand test, and I thought as long as it didnt hurt you it was fine, and yes I have a fan thats the tall looking thing on the table. It was still about a foot away if not a little more. I mist 2-3 times a day as well. =/ The reason I thought overwatering was because the shriveled one shriveled a lot more when i watered it.


Well-Known Member
What kind of seats are in your space ship? Sometimes the plant and the message its sending you overrides the hand trick. My girl does her own thing shes bushy as hell so she doesnt dig that had trick shit she is a 5-9 inch away girl from her longest given leaf tip. Is the air from the fan making the leaves gently move?


Well-Known Member
ok.. well.. try this and tell me u love me tomorrow..

raise the light to 2 - 2.5 feet above the top of the plants... take that severly burnt baby out, give her a good thorough misting, and dont put her back in till all the water is absorbed ( about 30 minutes ) .. .

she is burnt pretty bad but should bounce back if everything is kosher


Well-Known Member
oh yeah.. and i dont know who came up with the hand trick but im a man... a working man.. and my hand barely feels being slammed by a door nonetheless a light's heat// just use a damn thermometer and dont place your light too close


Well-Known Member
I second the motion by dert and then you should send a gracious note tomorrow when your girls are smiling again. And that light puts out hella heat Im skeptical of that damn fan have...


Well-Known Member
yea.. me too!! i have a 295 cfm exhaust fan, a 9" high velocity fan ( devoted to just blowing on the light bulb to cool it ), and a 16" oscilating vertical fan in my 4 x 4 grow room.. and im still battling 85 degree temps!

im using a 430 hps and a remote ballast to reduce heat .. . so im still anxious to know how u manage that temp with a dinky fan...

nonetheless i am in a Hot state


Well-Known Member
It def looks like the heat is killing your plant, keep your light about 2 feet away from your plants. Water the soil only when the top 2 inches is completely dry, and never water more then once per day. If you arn't giving nutes, that rules out nute burn.. Tjhose symptomes are significant with nute burn, light burn, and overwatering, if you keep all three at a good level, she should be fine.


Well-Known Member
what more can i say? Your light is good. Your soil sucks. and you probably have a heat problem. what info do you need ( be more specific please )

or do u mean a second opinion? im telling u now, by the looks of that plant it is certainly mistreated.. now u just go down the checklist... where did u go wrong?


Active Member
Specially if you're adding any nutrients . Ive never had any luck with miracle gro soil... Go hydro & soil-less, unless you're shootin 4 that organic taste... but the M. gro would mess that off also. & remember to keep lights approx. 2 ft. off leaves... & never mist plants while lights are on.. Good luck.