Leaves turning yellow + stem rot


So my plant has got stem rot which i'm trying to treat using 9% hydrogen peroxide, but recently my leaves have been turning yellow and getting worse. I am using miracle grow potting soil which has nutrients in it already so thought it cant be a nitrogen deficiency, nether the less have started adding Babybio NPK nutrients to when i water, but this still hasn't reverted the yellowing of the leaves.

Is it the stem rot causing the yellow leaves, if i get rid of the rot will the plant be healthy again, or is it a goner?




Active Member
The soil you used is the problem i'm afraid. That is a soil for older, more established plants. It also dosn't look very cannabis friendly. Your girl is burned from the nutrients in the dirt...


Well-Known Member
it is not lack of nitrogen, that would be seen in new growth being lighter but it is nice green. probably ph related. try baking soda on the stem rot, pat a good cover layer on it.