Leaves turning colors PLEASE HELP


New Member
So I have started to notice my plants leaves have begun to turn this color. Could someone please help me with bring my plant back to good health and what had happened. What does my plant lack or need? I have not had this issue until now. I am in the flowering stage of my plant about a month into it. The buds on my plant are coming along great I have also included a pic of the main bud on the top main stem. Please give me your guys input and comments on what I can do to improve my issue. Thank You.



New Member
I have been using super bloom small amounts during my grow. My light cycle is on 12/12. Soil is miricale grow potting soil. PH is around 5.5.


Well-Known Member
How are you checking pH?

What is SuperBloom? What are the NPK values?

How often are you feeding?

That looks like it is suffering from a few nutrient issues. That doesnt mean it needs more fertilizer, it could be a lockout due to over fertilizing, improper environment (temps/humidity), pH, water quality etc...