Leaves starting to yellow and dry out.



take a close up of a top node.... I looked over your woodpress and could not see any signs of sex.
I uploaded some close ups today! Here they are. Would love an experts opinion!


There are more close ups on the blog but I think this one shows the top nodes best!
i bet HE is a SHE.... from "upload 3" that preflower looks very female to me...

But yeah...get ur nutes figured out.... I am not a soil grower... but i use FLORA NOVA in hydro.... my cousin uses it in soil... u should still be using the "grow" fert though... (will have much more N).

However, before you go throwing a bunch of nutes into it..(and possibly making things worse)... you should check your ph.... The method that i have seen to be the best (from reading only) is to get distilled water...and take a small soil sample... soak the dirt for a min, then, strain and test that water.

If your ph is good, then you should add a "grow" phase nute... probably start at a 1/4 tsp per gallon (if using flora nova)...

after looking at ur pics closer.... it looks like u got a mag defic also...look very closely at ur ph...i would bet that something is off, and causing lockout...

I want to see how this turns out...

I have always enjoyed small scale/cfl grows.....

(see pics at my first attempt at growing) I had 8 150w equivelent cfls on these two.... but had to get rid of them when the smell started... :(... My sister finished one of them as one was male and the other female. (they were some mid grade bag seed... but she sold it as high grade!).



Today I decided her pot needed change. I came back after 6days and she had had some explosive growth. A lot of stretch too as I cant adjust the lights properly without always being there. My solution so far has been to wrap her as gently as possible around a stake. I hope that combined with the pot change isn’t too stressful but time will tell. If this doesn’t work out im gona have to take a huge cutting from the top and clone her. Here is a shot of her around the stake.


Here is a close up of goings on up top.

Today I decided her pot needed change. I came back after 6days and she had had some explosive growth. A lot of stretch too as I cant adjust the lights properly without always being there. My solution so far has been to wrap her as gently as possible around a stake. I hope that combined with the pot change isn’t too stressful but time will tell. If this doesn’t work out im gona have to take a huge cutting from the top and clone her. Here is a shot of her around the stake.

You can be more aggressive with the bending...
if your worried that it is gonna snap in a certain place.. pinch that area so that it becomes soft, then bend.


http://youtu.be/0l9L-PROuLw anybody tell me thats going on with these plants?? they were started in late october and topped.. i started them with argro brite 125w light and 2 26 cfl i added 400 hps on the 3rd..i was using miracle grow plant food but just watered them with straight water yesterday and probably will for another week or so...any ideas or tips these things dont look like th ere gonna get bigger i wanted them to be like 2-3 feet before i started flowering but its almost 4 months now..i was gonna do a month on with the setpup i got and then switch to flower but i dont thin kthey will grow much by mid feb......also on some of the cola branches where there would be a a bud its actully growing like another stem and flower like a whole nother plant..will it still but there??


Well-Known Member
Increase your Nitrogen and check your PH. Make sure your PH is right around 6.5. Adding Nitrogen Fertalizer will help both the Nitrogen problem and lower your PH.


Increase your Nitrogen and check your PH. Make sure your PH is right around 6.5. Adding Nitrogen Fertalizer will help both the Nitrogen problem and lower your PH.

i thought i had too much nitrogen...add more??this will help it grow whats more or wshat should i be adding for nitrogen? how much 5% 20%??thank


You can be more aggressive with the bending...
if your worried that it is gonna snap in a certain place.. pinch that area so that it becomes soft, then bend.
Thats worked perfect. She has started to bend around the stake herself now. Might look at tightening the coils in a few days, will just have to see!
Here's the lastest:




http://youtu.be/0l9L-PROuLw anybody tell me thats going on with these plants?? they were started in late october and topped.. i started them with argro brite 125w light and 2 26 cfl i added 400 hps on the 3rd..i was using miracle grow plant food but just watered them with straight water yesterday and probably will for another week or so...any ideas or tips these things dont look like th ere gonna get bigger i wanted them to be like 2-3 feet before i started flowering but its almost 4 months now..i was gonna do a month on with the setpup i got and then switch to flower but i dont thin kthey will grow much by mid feb......also on some of the cola branches where there would be a a bud its actully growing like another stem and flower like a whole nother plant..will it still but there??
Can't believe our plants are the same age! I wish I had some advice for you but I don't really know what I'm doing here. Hope they beef up soon ;)



This I put this on the blog the other day but here's a new one I just took now ;)

That was done on flash alone, she's in the pitch black right now, so I'll try again in daylight tomorrow and see what I can see!