Leaves drying/turning brown - no yellow.


Active Member
Alrighty, so this has been happening to the power most leaves a little bit through the entire grow cycle, however today it was much more prevalent, and one plant was totally done and had to be pulled. The leaves seem to turn brown and then wither and dry out. Some leaves will simply wither at the tips and chill, some will totally die. The brown/dryness seems to move from the very outer edge of the leaf inward.

The whole plant I pulled looked like it was getting shit light for most of it's life.

I initially assumed this was a phosphorus deficiency, but let it go as it did not seem to be progressing.

I've been following the General Hydroponics nutrient schedule found here ( http://www.generalhydroponics.com/genhydro_US/feeding_charts/GH_KeepItSimple_Recirculating.pdf ) with the addition of FloraBlend. Two weeks of transition, two weeks of bloom, three weeks aggressive bloom, and now I'm on week 8 and flushing with FloraKleen (brand-whore much?). My set up is a 4x8 tent with two 400W HPS lights in cool tubes over an Aeroflo2 30.

As I'm harvesting this week, there probably isn't much to be done, but I figure it'd be good to know for the future.

EDIT: Oh, I have ridiculously hard water (~500ppm) so I've been using the hard water version of the micro nutrients, PHing to 5.7, topping off the res every couple days... the RH is ~30% (spider mites happened, it was around 50% for most of the grow). The plants started in a closet, but two weeks of veg was at least a week too much, so they grew far too tall, and had to be super cropped to fit - I then bought the tent and moved everything later.

I think that's all the info I can give you, unless I've skipped something on accident, just mention it.

EDIT2: Oh, the leaf tips don't always curl down as much as they have on this leaf, they're usually pretty straight.


Active Member
Here's a shot of the plant which I had to pull today - like I said, I think it simply got very very little light, most of the other plants are much larger - probably should have pulled this one earlier.


Active Member
Hmm, after doing some more looking, the lower leaves were probably wind burt, and the new extra low humidity is making it rough on under developed plants - switched up to 50% on the dehumidifier.