leaves Curling uP?


Well-Known Member
need more info , it would be nute burn ... heat burn?? could be not enough untes pening if its the newer leaves or not because not enough nutes is slow onsetting and cold start by curling up , its a definiciancy or some sory but with no info id say increase the nute solutlion by 10 percent see how it looks and keep doing it until you find a happy place


Well-Known Member
it the top 2 leaves that juss came out and edges are juss curling
Hard without pics but because it's the top leaves I'd say heat from light.
What light you running and how close is it?
What's your room temp?
Do you have good ventilation?
Lift your light a bit and see if that helps.


Well-Known Member
they could just be unfolding leaves, they could settle in pending how new lol , but yeah like he said