Leaves Are Drooping COCO


hey guys i have a 3 week old AK 48 clone growing in coco under a 150 watt hps and my leaves are drooping now i know all about the watering and the plant going thru it dry periods so iv only been watering when coco is compleatly dry and when i do water i ph the water between 5.6-5.9 up untill yesterday the plant has been fine here is a pic of it any help is appreciated.can it be that hps is too much for this plant or under watering because i am pretty sure i am not over watering.



so you dont think it has anything to do with heat im just underwatering. this is my first grow in coco i have 4 others in soil check them out in journal if you want.


Well-Known Member
so you dont think it has anything to do with heat im just underwatering. this is my first grow in coco i have 4 others in soil check them out in journal if you want.
No usually when plants droop its from over watering. Heat stress usually makes the tip of your leaves curl up.. But like the other dude said you need some nitrogen..


im using Floral duo A&B along with some advanced nutes like cal mag plus and big bud at the moment have others but havent feed them yet but after reading post i watered plant with full strength nut was only feed 1/2 hopfully it works.