Leave tips curling no signs of burn


Active Member
im not using any ferilizers or anything my plany is like 3 weeks into flowering and looking fine except the very edge of the leaves and the tips are curling down, im thinking is the pot too small or somehting, im trying to get pictures up, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
My plant is doing the same thing.When u find out some answers,let me know.Thanx

sir smokesalot

Well-Known Member
My guess is high PH. mine is about 4 weeks into flower right now and ive been gradually increasing the bloom nutes with out any burn, but i think the ph is getting too high and its causing the leaves to curl under. if you flush it you should see the leaves uncurl but i would recommend just get some ph down and make sure you flush it for about 24-48 hours once a week, assuming your running a hydro system.


Active Member
i water it about once every 4 days like when the soil is dry at the top, im not using a hydro system, or any nutes so i wouldnt need a flush its been grown on almost all clean water, i gave it one dose of miracle grow which i know sucks haha but thats about it

Hazius Corpus

Active Member
gday mate

if your PH is correct (it's worth checking the soil) then it could be K deficient (leaves will eventually turn black)

also could be mites, check under leaves for eggs

or could be over-watering/or too soggy a mix.

If so, the condition will worsen and like K def. the leaves turn brown/ black from the bottom of the plant and the plant eventually die.

Check this by drying out the mix for a few days if it's not already and removing the pot (carefully)
If it is over-watering then the roots will still be a bit soggy, buried, grey and half dead, not white and running around the outside of the mix.

If O/W, gently knock off the soggy soil and replant in a better draining mix, with less coco if you're using it.

If it's fine and dry down there, feed it K. (The leaves look slightly Mg deficient too, so maybe it is nute deficient! get a better fert with all the trace elements and feed it seaweed as well)

hope this helps