Learning to roll!


Well-Known Member
Don't use joint rollers, joints rolled by hand smoke better and take less time.

If you want me to, I can make a youtube video that shows you step by step how to roll a joint. But here are some pointers:

1) Make sure you're actually rolling your weed, lots of people just pack it down with their fingers, which is the first step but definitely not the last. Once you can fold the joint end over the bud use you thumbs to push the folded end toward the end you are supporting with index fingers.
2) After you have a good pinch on the weed start moving vertically with your thumbs, which should still be on the top of the pinched end. This will start rolling the weed.
3) After you have formed a mass of rolled weed, look at the mass. Do some areas have more weed than others? If yes, pick up a little bit of weed from one section (or simply just add more weed to the joint) and put it in the lacking areas. If you are trying to make a cone, put more weed towards the end.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you are happy with your rolling job.
4) Do you want a crutch? A very common misconception is that you put the crutch in after rolling. This makes shitty crutches, and the joints are usually shitty as well. Get some hard paper (flap of the zag is perfect, so are note cards), tear off a piece, roll it into a cylinder. Roll the cylinder tight, take weed out of the end of the joint you want to put your mouth on, put that weed towards the end, and place your crutch in.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 once or twice.
5) The hardest part of rolling! After you are happy with your cylindrical mass of weed, you need to roll down the folded part of your joint so it is level with the budskies. Hold the folded part with your thumbs pretty tightly while simultaneously pushing your index fingers toward the folded area. This will cause your rolled up buds to be covered completely by paper. After this happens literally roll up that small cylinder of weed to the part of the paper that you lick. While holding the rolled up bud in place lick the sticky part of the paper. Roll the bud one last time to meet the licked area.
Viola, you have yourself a joint.

After you get used to rolling joints this whole process could take you anywhere from 5 seconds (if you skip step four) to 1 minute (if you put a crutch in).

Hopefully this guide helps, I'll post a video eventually, which will be much easier to follow... I hope.


Active Member
My adversity to blunts is I don't like the taste but I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE smoking a good blunt. My homegirl rolls the best hands down. That's what friends are for.


Well-Known Member
My adversity to blunts is I don't like the taste but I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE smoking a good blunt. My homegirl rolls the best hands down. That's what friends are for.​
Have you smoked a backwood? Honeyberry backwoods are probably my favorite way to smoke weed. A backwood is ridiculously hard to roll though, it's just a flavored tobacco leaf, but when rolled correctly it makes a mean blunt that tastes amazing.


Active Member
I should've said that I don't like rolling blunts because I hate licking the leaf/paper. Just something I hate doing but know how to. And yes, Backwoods are a nightmare to roll but are great when done right.
One key to a good roll is finger placement. A lot of newbs have the index finger horizontal but hold their thumbs up and down. This pinches the weed and makes it fall out of the end. Thumbs should forum a straight horizontal line and move together. And remember weed preparation is 90% of the job. You should not have to pinch from here and fill there. You make it uniform roll it up once down once then roll it up. Anymore is too much. Also 2 key factors are experience and practice and you can't force that. So roll as many as you can and they will get better and better.


Well-Known Member
I taught myself to roll. I bought an oz and rolled the whole thing up. I rolled all different sizes. Plus I mad a weed cabin out of the joints. By the time i was done rolling up the oz i had it down.


Active Member
Everybody is misunderstood this thread is about the number of post I have next to my name not about rolling actual blunts lol


Weed Modifier
I know i find it funny how everyone is trying to give you advise like ....you where asking??? lmao....when really you just started a thread to state where your at!!!

That's too funny how people misunderstand a post sometimes....too much

keep em going bro and you will be a stoner in no time! or wait maybe you need advise on how to be a stoner??? yah right!!! lmao

so how far do you think this thread will go? guess we will see. good luck man.


Weed Modifier
raw...... up to his wise-tales again....man give it up!
isn't that why you got a new name???

this guy is full of it? badrawskii or rawbudski

whatever he calls himself??? lmao i call him raw... keep an eye out on this one!!!


Active Member
So ima teach you how to roll MY WAY!
#1 take the paper and fold it over but leave the glue showing you want the paper to fold right under the glue about an inch
#2 now your gonna wet your thumb and pointer finger
#3 your gonna take your wet fingers and grab one end of the paper
#4 sqeeze a little and roll so you roll the end of the joint into a cylinder shape
#5 do the same thing to the other side as in step 4
#6 Put that chronic (ONLY CHRONIC) in the middle now
#7 fold the flap over , not to tight or to loose, lick the glue and press the glue to the exterior of the joint
#8 now bite of one of the end about a centimeter or two for the mouth hole to get the smoke
rollajoint.jpg( sorry Im faded and cant "Paint" for crap)
do this twice or three times and youll already have the hang of it. the joint turns out looking great im telling you. I usully roll blunts though and those you do have to know the "regular" way of rolling. I <3 BLUNTs more than joints. I'll be adding a little paint picture to demonstrate here in a couple.

If anyone doesnt understand just say and ill make a video. I think it would be alot easier to understand how to roll the ends. But hey if you do get it good luck in the marijuana smoking process


King Tut
Rolling is as simple as falling off a log. A handful of years back when my nieces were having a party their friends were trying to roll and couldn't do it. I asked if I could give a try and they laughed at the old man wanting to try something they wrongly assumed he had never done before. I rolled a joint that would rival a Camel or Lucky Strike. I was taught by an old hippie back in about 1968 or 1969 and I've never forgotten how. The more you do it, the easier it gets. Regular or single size papers are the best to use to get an even burn.

If your 'makins' are the right consistency and you have some dexterity in your fingers it is very simple.

What I still can't master is the one handed rolling like can be seen done in old westerns where a cowboy would roll with just one hand. I think that would be impressive to be able to do.
The one person I've known in my life that could roll one handed was an ex-con. Cool guy. Said he learned inside. What else are you going to do?


Active Member
*This thread is now about rolling*

Once rolled, I like to turn the end of the paper in, instead of using a cardboard filter.