leafs ,deep green, curly and dry...help


hi, 4 plants, in a space 1.5m x 1.5m , under 400w hps lights. temp: 22 C humidity: 51%. "girls" are 2 weeks old.i used one time fertilizers: biobizz rootjuice and biogrow.

so..the some of the big leafs started from 2 days ago at the edge to be a little curled and deep green and of you touch it , it feels a little "crispy and dry".

whats going on?? is this natural??? pls help!!! newbie here!!!! pls!!!:shock:


Not natural. Hydroponics is the best way to control what you give your plants. (in my opinion) So its the easiest way to learn what not to do an be able to fix it fast. I personally would stay away from one time anything. A plant needs different npk ratios though its life cycle and I don't think a one time anything could do that.. Good luck.


Not natural. Hydroponics is the best way to control what you give your plants. (in my opinion) So its the easiest way to learn what not to do an be able to fix it fast. I personally would stay away from one time anything. A plant needs different npk ratios though its life cycle and I don't think a one time anything could do that.. Good luck.
thank you..you r right...i hope for the best..