leaf looks like it boiled or bubbled, plant bent by itself


Active Member
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I posted in newbie forum first, but I forgot there is a plant problem area, so.....I have 5 white widow plants, this is the only plant I am worried about. I didnt water for 4 days because I saw some little white bugs, and I ordered ladybugs, and was told to let the plants dry out because the bugs will die without water. Anyway, I watered this morning, and I went down later this evening and this plant looked like someone lst'd it, just the top of it, and the leaves were looking like they were growing sideways. This one leaf looks like, I dont know what it looks like, like a balloon that someone stretched when it was old and used and the stretch shrivled up, if thats how I could explain it. Any suggestions? I usually water every 2-3 days, reverse osmosis water, but like I said, this time I waited 4 days. This one plant out of 5 is the only one to look like this.


Active Member
i wouldn't worry to much about the leaves they do that from time to time. As long as the new growth is ok you should be fine. As far as the top goes im not sure, i've seen them do that from a lack of water but if you watered it that morning and it looked like that in the evening i have no clue. Maybe someone will pop in with more insight. Good luck


Active Member
i wouldn't worry to much about the leaves they do that from time to time. As long as the new growth is ok you should be fine. As far as the top goes im not sure, i've seen them do that from a lack of water but if you watered it that morning and it looked like that in the evening i have no clue. Maybe someone will pop in with more insight. Good luck
Thanks slowmo!