Late Start (Still Determined)


Well-Known Member
Started a grow one week ago from today, i know about a month or so late but I live in southern region so its still possible I believe. Let me know what you think. (picture is from today)get-attachment.aspx.jpg


Well-Known Member
thanks, that's just there for when it rains heavy until it gets bigger. Has no sides though just on top so its getting decent air flow


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be good. Just don't expect any 1/2 lb monster or anything. The earliest I've seen flowers outdoors was late July, so at the very least you'll have 3-4 weeks of true veg time. I actually just started some beans about a week ago too that I wanted to try. Gonna put them in pots near my bigger ladies.


Well-Known Member
I think you'll be good. Just don't expect any 1/2 lb monster or anything. The earliest I've seen flowers outdoors was late July, so at the very least you'll have 3-4 weeks of true veg time. I actually just started some beans about a week ago too that I wanted to try. Gonna put them in pots near my bigger ladies.
No not at all, hoping for atleast an o nd 1/2, but like I said I live in the deep south so autumn wont start till mid-September usually. But this rainy day is killing me, wich leads me to a question. if there is a day where its all cloudy and not very sunny will the plant begin to flower, or will it take a few of those days in a row??


Active Member
1/2 pound will be hard to get but you can still get something decent I think. Im in the south to and I would never start one from seed later than June 20th because the veg time just isnt there if you start any later, but if you get a really vigorous seedling, good weather and sprinkle in a little good luck who knows you might get a couple of ounces. If it were me I would not top it or anything else id just let it go id be scared topping would stun her and that would take away from your much needed veg time. Best of luck!!


Well-Known Member
Don't worry, growing dank is a first for me and it's my first time outdoors too. Do you just have the one going?
Yeap I found just one beast of a seed in some pretty good stuff I got, so I figured I might as well try, was thinking bout getting more but dont know if it would be worth the hastle, if this goes well I'll most likely do a legit grow next year.


Well-Known Member
1/2 pound will be hard to get but you can still get something decent I think. Im in the south to and I would never start one from seed later than June 20th because the veg time just isnt there if you start any later, but if you get a really vigorous seedling, good weather and sprinkle in a little good luck who knows you might get a couple of ounces. If it were me I would not top it or anything else id just let it go id be scared topping would stun her and that would take away from your much needed veg time. Best of luck!!
Yea I wasn't even planning on doing a grow this year, but I just happened to find one Beast seed so I figured it must be destiny for it to grow :-P, doesn't really take that much effort for just one anyway. I was thinking about topping it and decided after a week and its progress so far to just leave it natural. all fingers and toes crossed on this one.:weed:


Well-Known Member
**Update** [week 2] So far so good, all though i missed a day or two on watering witch caused bottom leaves to crinkle up so I just cut em, top leaves are still ok though a little yellow on the bottom leaves. should be ok as long as I take of her. And is it just me or are those nodes growing in awfully close to each other, lowryder genetics maybe?? penny for your thoughts ;]
the weather in the south east has been shit to say the least the last few days....typical england... first grow EVER got three S.A.G.E two white widow outdoors against two white walls to reflect as much sunlight as possible. Few problems though i was just wondering if anyone could help.....

1. We transplanted them into new pots as i was using just rergular multiperpose compost now changed to bio-biz all mix, but we suffered a bit of root loss during the process and i think theve been a bit stunted in growth, theve started to pick up a bit more after going out this morning but would anyone recomend using some "root juice" to give them a bit more of a boost in life.

2. there very small still we geminated on the 28th of april (aprox) and their probs as big as lowryders at the start of veg atm, and we have only just this last week got them outside perminatley due to security perposes lol ....will they pick up and still flower in time?

3. the leaves started to curl on one or two of them in aprox their third or forth week and now the ends of the leaves have died and gone brown on the sage its looking a lil bit stressed . and theres some tiny white spots developing on the 3 point leaves under the first sets of adult leaves and its spreading around all the plants leaves

please can anynyone help me i dont want my babies to die on me although ive heard that S.A.G.E is a very resistant strain to disease and good at coping with stress

hoping to get some pics on today aswell might help to get a better diagnosis lol


Well-Known Member
Ok so a bit of a change starting this week (for the better) First off I've started using egg shell water to help balance my ph, and lemme tell you that stuff works like a charm, the whole top half of plant stem is hairy now (how its supposed to be). And more importantly I've taken it down from the roof because it was just to hot and kept yellowing my bottom leaves (slowly but surely) and have planted it in the ground. Witch leads me to ask if anyone knows of a homemade remedy or something rather cheap that'll keep insects off my plant, For now I've wrapped it in clear plastic wrapping and overlapped it so its two layers not touching each other (kind of like a double barrier) witch is working better than i thought it would, but I don't want to rely on this at all so any advice, tips, or hints would be greatly appreciated. Here's some pics0720110838a.jpeg0720110841a.jpeg0720110841.jpeg0720110840.jpeg0720110838.jpeg


Well-Known Member
I think that's why your lower leaves are turning yellow like that. It starts at the tips and works its way in until the whole leaf eventually turns yellow and dies. Make sure the soil is dry before watering. You can't really control the rain, unless you move it onto the porch or something, but you can control how much you hand water. The best way is to do the lift test. It takes a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, you'll never have to worry about over/under watering again. Dry soil is fairly light, so every day pick up the whole container and take notice to the weight. If it still seems relatively heavy, then the soil still has plenty of water since water is fairly dense. Now I'm not saying wait until it's bone dry and wilting, but you don't want to keep the roots saturated all the time. What's your current watering schedule? If you are watering every day or even every other day that is most likely too much. Cannabis is a plant that tends to prefer a dry/wet cycle.


Well-Known Member
So it is in the ground now? Dont really worry about bugs unless you see a problem, remember these are plants and grow outside without plastic and shit around them all the time.