Late start from seed SOCAL-- Headband grow w/ pics


Active Member

-a little background-

I bought an oz. of (B+)Headband at my local dispensary. Whilst smoking through it, grinding it --what have you--
I noticed there was one un-touched FAT FROSTY un-broken NUG :mrgreen:; about ~7 inch cola
It was the only bud in the whole oz. that had seeds in it.

After reading about how Sativa dominant females sometimes impregnate themselves late in their budding cycle to 'save their genes' and also reading that the genetic information stored as a result would make seeds female (75% chance fem/25% hermi). I figured since this was relatively high grade MMJ (grown with the upmost care) I most likely had seeds that fit that exact description. Picked out the 4 small-ish seeds and decided it'd be worth it to throw em outside.

Germed em' 7/19 -- 4 of 4 success rate

Threw the babies in Dixie cups for a week (7/20-7/27)
on 24/0 lighting schedule ~10hrs full sun/14 Hrs 80w CFL~ AHHHHMAzing results btw!!! Ultra fast growth

Transplanted 7/28 -- 5 gallon container(x1) 2.5 gallon container(x3)
and left them outside in their final homes. Schedule is now 13hrs full SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA sun

Soil Mix: (30%) Supersoil Potting soil + (50%) Amended (SUPER RICH) Ground soil + (20%) WELL AGED & well balanced compost

Feeding/Nutes: Fish poop fertilizer + kelp (BOTH FREE from my koi pond); I plan on feeding only aerated compost teas + molasses(w/ extra cal/mag) throughout their lives

--Fast Forward--

(7/28 - 8/6)
By my count she is just over 3.5wks from seed, her first feeding was 2 days ago (tea high in N + molasses)
Hows she look so far RIU?
She seems the right color... leaves and new growth bursting out of every node!!! Hoping to SEE SOME PRE-FLOWERS soon enough!! how long must I wait :evil:

Are my FEEDING options sound enough?
Does anybody else have experience finding/growing seeds from High grade MMJ?
thank you --- i will try updating this thread +pics 2x a week


Well-Known Member
Lookin good HSM bongsmilie Sorry, I have no input on your feeding plans. And although I have some bag beans from MMJ flowers. All high grade :joint: I've yet to plant any of them. I used seeds sold through my dispensary. But pre-flowers will normally appear when you have a few more nodes. Usually 6-10. By that time, the plant may start to flower anyway. Even now, the new growth should be a really light and bright green. The plant letting you know it's flowering season. There are already 4-5 sex threads in the first few pages of this, Newbie and General forums. With some pics posted, in case you're not sure where to look, or what to look for. If you already knew this, sorry for wastin' your time :bigjoint:

Good luck with your grow

R2T :peace:


Active Member
Hmmm.. 6-8th nodes ay?! :blsmoke:
I'd say 1.5-2 more weeks then (daylight hours around here will be around >13hrs 15mins by then!)

I fimmed this plant 4 days ago, I'm hoping MY timing wasn't too early. I wanted to do all I can to increase bud-sites before daylight drops below 13hrs

She's responded relatively well to it already giving off that skunky rank smell from the new growth spots (4 new by my count) Will this retard the timing and development of the onset of flowers at all? I know plants MUST veg to a certain maturity level before they begin to flower (even on strait 12/12)

Many-a-thanks R2T ! :peace:
Will give those threads a through look through look-though


Active Member

Noticeable growth && fim development just in one day! NEW growth is getting stinkier too :hump:
She's getting a RIDICULOUS amount of uninterrupted sun (~12ish) && temps out here have been just absolutely PERFECT the past 2 weeks

82F day
68F night
~30-45% avg RH
got about 2 more months of this too!!!

Will be feeding high N compost tea 2x a week to help out w/ new veg growth (kelp, fish poop, few cups of compost && molasses) until I see pre-flowers then will switch to a more balanced P-K recipe.

I've read many-a-times that feeding w/ high N is recommended up to 2 weeks into flowering proper, Is this correct? Is this advisable?


Active Member

I know I am not getting very many replies.. but my view-count is going up so I shall make a post w/ pics anyways! (for you timid lookie-lous)

UPDATE: 8/13

We seem to be getting A LOT of new growth, IT has been nearly a week since my last photo and I couldn't be happier. My ladies are absolutely reveling in the ~12hrs direct sunlight they get everyday! There is just no replacement for this blazing southern california sun :eyesmoke:

My main girls seems to have responded to her FIMming quite well. I see a hell of a lot of branching and growth on the lower branches/NODES since and has sprouted out a few NEW budsites. (which is excellent, because I had previously thought I cut her a little early)

She has some magnificent branching going on right now, all nice an lush. Newly formed sites/growth is getting noticabley skunkier every day... all I can really say is "SHES GETTING STRONGER"

photo.jpg nice, strong branching going onphoto (1).jpg
Here is a nice shot of all of my rooftop womenz ;-)
photo (2).jpg


Active Member
Ain't that the truth?!
Will be even nicer when I get them cured and see the difference from my Dispensary OZ. I got them from.

I am really buying into the mythos that OUTDOOR crops may yield a more complex && hardy THC molecule as an end product that their indoor cousins. I've been testing many indoor and outdoor samples from my shoppe. Indoor generally packs that super gnarly "first hit" punch, fading in about an hour, and completely gone by 1.5 hours

I've sucessfully been high for 2.5 hours off of some outdoor Blueberry Thai Strain (super High THC/THC-V -- Low CBD)

Maybe its just me, Wishful thinking


Well-Known Member
Gotta love those self rhodelization seeds... Looking good. I was just looking at HB seeds last night to purchase. 90 Bucks apposed to free? Its the gift that keeps giving. :peace:


Active Member

Headband is such a nice head stone
Is one of my top 5 all-time strains; I appreciate the psychedelic-ness of its character, not too racey, not too stoney.... just right

Chernobyl && (most Thai strains) are my other favs :hump:

What seed-bank?
Also... is that the best price you found... like anywhere?


Well-Known Member
SOS. LOL, nevermind its $105 for 818 Headband. That's for 10 regs or 6 fems.
You made me second guess myself and then find it to be more. Sad...I like last nights prices better. :lol:


Well-Known Member
they look good so far, lots of branching, specially after the fim, headband is some nice smoke. One of my buddies that got me onto growing (he's been in it for 25+ years, found some time to take me on as an apprentice) said that outdoor weed always tastes a bit more grassy, or outdoorsy, like it absorbs something that makes it taste like that. just my (his?) two cents, this is my first year growing to finish, so I will find out for myself


Active Member

Due to some pesky neighbors. I have had to move from my glorious sunny rooftop to a discreet INDOOR location. I figured *what the hell* since this grow was a personal experiment from the get go, I shall experiment further.

OFF to the local hydro store!
LED's are on my mind, the spectrum of light they provide a plant is closer to the range of light sun provides. So if I MUST take my well sunned females indoors, a good LED should suffice.

-Xtreme 130w (3w emitter) LED Growlight purchased
-Light/Power timer purchased

*All container sizes, soil mix, etc the SAME as beginning unless otherwise denoted*
My two main girls got about 4 good weeks of sun(10+hrs per day), they are strong and hearty. My other two tiny plants pictured are younger; they are different phenotypes I've identified from this Headband strain.

It has been 3 days in their new home. They seem to be well adjusted so far, new growth is coming; the leaves forming are healthy but noticeably smaller. The younger ones seem to be growing faster under the LED than they did under the hot sun (87F+ outdoors)

Temperatures remain a constant 71-76F in here so far. As far as light cycle, I have them under 12/12 now, she gets complete darkness now, outside that was impossible. UPDATE on flowers: they all are showing hairs, they are small but I will start counting proper flowering in 3 or so days



Well-Known Member
HSM, they're still lookin good, if a bit purple :eyesmoke: And that Hendrix poster has gotta be worth at least an extra ounce of bud per plant :blsmoke:

Rock on!!

R2T :peace:


Active Member
HA! thanks R2T :joint:

I'm sending it good vibes to ease along the transition! :peace:
Hopefully there will be some imprint of the spirit of the man that gets through to these darlings!


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear about your forced change in plans. LED's are fun. I dropped abut $1200 on a pair of lights a couple years ago and have yet to put them to use... Hope I get to some time soon. Looking pretty good so far.


Active Member

These ladies really don't mind the switch at all.. the LED was a good choice.
Considering the circumstance, I speculate being outside for the first month of their lives allowed them time/ample energy to veg strongly & develop a vigorous root system;

photo (1).jpg
new leaves

upside down? Canopy

photo (3).jpg
Strictly saying, I would NOT have gotten these results if it had not been for the suns help.
They are all resilient, not showing any signs of shock.... HOWEVER, their is a definite difference in the new foliage coming in compared to the sun-grown leaves. They are about half the size AT BEST! Despite this, the ladies are growing at an amazing rate.

These pics are from about 6 days into 12/12

+ADDED BONUSES OF BEING INSIDE SO FAR ---- OUTSIDE temps spiked up to 109 for the whole week last week & the absolute lowest it got was 79, would've stressed the shit outta my girls


Active Member
Pic from 12 days into flower
1/3 strength MONSTER BLOOM (0-50-30) + Full strength Root Stimulator (1-0-1) 2x a week

I water with a very basic compost tea (Molasses + Well aged compost)

They are beginning to really stretch up and BUD up !!
As I have mentioned, I fimmed my main girl and trained her around the pot to get a nice even canopy... I see white hairs popping up on what I count to be 16 main heads so far!! --thats just my main girl in the 5gal pot--

This bitch is getting strong... she has broken free of my ties 2x in the past 4 days, PACKING on sites !!
No complaints, no burns