Lasko floor fan set up, look good?(:


Active Member
Okay so I have tons of these laksa floor fans at work and figured d mess around with it(; got 3 rectangle passive intake hole at the bottom of the tent 3x3x6.5 tent. So I made it where the fan is (PULLING) air out of the tent which pulls air from the room in the tent. Should I get a 4" or 6" carbon filter to put in the tent with the fan??(:



Well-Known Member
Interesting, most of those fans are not designed for a lot of pull. When zipped up, are you getting negative pressure?


Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to get back to you man, been a little busy, and everything comes down next week so I was going to grab pics then. But I grabbed 'em tonight since I seen the thread.

One fan goes to Carbon filter the other goes threw the hood and draws air in from outside the cab threw the light and out the fan. In the summer I needed the extra fan, now I could probably go filter->light->out but I just turned the fans down to 1 and they still keep it 22 degrees in there above the light. I have a couple passive intakes the fans pull way more then enough air that even with all my intakes open it still sucks in the front of my cab.

002.JPG 003.JPG 006.JPG 005.JPG
004.JPG <- not the greatest pic but you can see the sides kind of sucked in, there's not much slack in the door. (old tent door stretched over a frame built inside my closet.)


Active Member
I see (: thanks for getting back with me! I can't tell do u have a carbon filter? If so what size? Does it work good with the fan?(: thanks for the reply again man!


Well-Known Member
6 inch it's the fabric covered thing in the 3rd picture. It's an ipower carbon filter and yes it works good. Can smell it sometimes when I have the tent open but usually can't smell shit.


Active Member
Well when u have the tent open obviously you'll smell it lol. But when it's closed it never smells eh?(: I made one but I can still smell/: so Ina just buy a real carbon filter lol. Thanks man!!!(:


Well-Known Member
Well when u have the tent open obviously you'll smell it lol. But when it's closed it never smells eh?(: I made one but I can still smell/: so Ina just buy a real carbon filter lol. Thanks man!!!(:
Yeah, no smell when the doors closed.

Yes pulls the air.


Active Member
Okay thanks (: I'll defently just buy the filter then not a fan, I have like 40 of these lassos at my shop at work haha(; save me a bit of money(: buying my 600watt hps next paycheck in 2 weeks(: so excited! Fan is outside of tent on the right (:



Active Member
One more question, sorry to keep bothering you my man. Do you know what the CFM are on the fan? I can't find it anywhere!! I think that was the biggest problem when I made the carbonfilter u new to know them.. But Oma get the ventech 6" carbon filter to use with the laksa fan and ur iPower and ventech both show 440cfm so I'm guessing on speed 3 it works great?