Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
i was tearing it up on fridays....but its time for me to sober up for a while.....
I know what you're getting at DSB. You're going to become a closet drinker here on RIU. That's unhealthier than what you were before, now you'll have to TRY to drink AND not black out AND make sure you don't offend anyone. What a hard task that will entail.

Drown your sorrows and come out of the closet about it. We'll still accept you if you drink and post, hell, WHY NOT?


Well-Known Member
i know what you're getting at dsb. You're going to become a closet drinker here on riu. That's unhealthier than what you were before, now you'll have to try to drink and not black out and make sure you don't offend anyone. What a hard task that will entail.

Drown your sorrows and come out of the closet about it. We'll still accept you if you drink and post, hell, why not?
your a funny guy....i guess my actions will speak better than my words....


Well-Known Member
Just so everyone knows, it's raining here and the back window of my car won't roll back up... :( looks like I'm swimming to work today!