Kryptonite and Chem Dawg


Well-Known Member

these pics are a few days old, but i update often and with many pics!!!!!

i want to faze out the chem dawg to make room for the Kryptonite. or will greatly take Black Domina, or Skunk 1 if i can find it again...

Anyway theey are in FFoF using age old grow 12-6-6. they all vegged under a T5 for a few weeks, but now they are under 600W MH conversion. LST and topping have been done and will continue:blsmoke:

i will have an update or 2 today so sub up and enjoy the tripbongsmilie

any and all input is welcome on this this thread:)


Well-Known Member

here they are.. that chem dawg that is split, im doin like a yin-yang LST guna be sweet, can you see that one?

also there is my prized Krypto with an almost perfectly even tops LST also with 5 mains.

the only one outa the 3-4 Krypto cuts rooted, but just barley.. guess it must be me:( least i got the one though and will do my best to keep her


Well-Known Member
thanks Kona!!

i know its kinda hard to see the idividual girls, so within the next day or 2 i will shoot em all solo for my faithfull subbers;)

Happy Halloween RIU!!! BOOOOOOO!!!! heehee


Well-Known Member

thanks jhod ill be poppin over to your grow shortly


Well-Known Member
thanks Kona, always showin da love;)

BHO Today yay!!!! pickin up a coffee grinder in turlock later, then i will have everything i need!!

the best part of makeing BHO, is never have had smoked it either:) aperently im in for a treat!!


Well-Known Member

i grinded too small, and i have bout double oil of what you see. it turned out pretty great for a firt time, lot of plant material, but i scraped carefully to get the least amount of plantstuff

i have found an iline perk for the builda bong i want hella bad, as well as 4-5 other attachments for perculation and/or oil hits!!! just waitn on da $$$$


Well-Known Member
hella bomb! i cant wait to get some glass smoking peices tho, i only put a little dabber ontop a bowl of my LA.<got me fuckin baked though :D