Kludge - Grow 004 - Bag Seed: FIM, Pinch HST, LST


Well-Known Member
This is an experiment in FIM'ing, pinch training to restrict height, and low stress training to get the lower branches where they will get light.

4 1/2 week flowering so should start exploding any day now. The stress training might add another week on flower time, that's why I'm trying it to see if it does:

Closeup of colas


Well-Known Member
Latest pic. This one is also doing fantastic, you can see the buds are starting to take off.

Start of week 6


Well-Known Member
where can i buy just one seeds all i see is a pack of 10.
Go down to where the old stump used to be, take a left, ask for Paulie, ignore him and walk over to Justine and ask for Rudolf. She won't know who the hell you're talking about so just turn around and leave.

When you get home take a shit. Dig through the shit and you will find a single seed. It may look like a piece of corn but it is a seed. Lick it clean and plant it in your back yard.

When the seed grows into a stalk climb the stalk into the clouds and steal some pot seeds from the giant.


Well-Known Member
Go down to where the old stump used to be, take a left, ask for Paulie, ignore him and walk over to Justine and ask for Rudolf. She won't know who the hell you're talking about so just turn around and leave.

When you get home take a shit. Dig through the shit and you will find a single seed. It may look like a piece of corn but it is a seed. Lick it clean and plant it in your back yard.

When the seed grows into a stalk climb the stalk into the clouds and steal some pot seeds from the giant.
ROLFLMAO! i bet he tries...:clap:


Well-Known Member
OK, I harvested this one this weekend, got 168g wet off of it so I hope to get just under 34g total dried. (I already took off about 8g dried waiting for it to be ready).

Here are some really, really crappy pics from my phone cam:


Hanging to dry

Man are those some crappy photos...


Well-Known Member
Well, I've been smoking this one for about a week now. Tastes like shit in a pipe, too many nutes still in the plan I think; I need to flush better and sooner. In a vaporizer though it's fine.

Oddly it has almost no smell but it tastes vaguely like nutmeg. Oh, it still has a little green grass smell too so I definitely think I need to flush better.

This plant had started making seeds so that sucked the life out of it and it ended up being about as good as an earlier sample but it's still damn good if you smoke it in a vaproizer. I'd say it's on the high end of low grade weed.

So good experiment, gets me plenty high, learned some stuff NOT to do, and it's weed!

I have noticed letting it dry/cure over a long time has improved the Getting-High-edness of the smoke. It gets me higher now than when I first cut it.