Kiwiseed Outdoor mix grown Indoors

zealand green

Well-Known Member
I bought these seeds when I was in Europe but never got a chance to put em now I am back home in New Zealand....winter has kicked decided to try them indoors....

2 Bigger ones on the left are 2 weeks 3 days...and little ones on right are just under 2 weeks....18h on 6h off....from seed.

only want 2 females as i am tight for space..

they are under 400w with organic seed raising soil...


zealand green

Well-Known Member
I am having trouble getting the humidity higher....tried a bowl of water but it didnt do does a low humidity level do to the plants?
And my temps range from 22-29c (71-84f)

zealand green

Well-Known Member
Put them in bigger pots yesterday....2 18 ltr and 2 10 plastic bags....they fit in the tight space better.

Using Organic soil from the local...and added a bit of perlite

oh and a bit of some basil and coriander cant go wrong...mmmmm


zealand green

Well-Known Member
Changed the light to 12/12 13 days just under 2 weeks ago...
Are they looking ok? first indoors so a little on the unknown...when should is see if they are male/female



just check daily to see if u can find any testicles growing, or if you can see the first wee white budding pubes of the lady :) every plant i've had, the male develops first ( is this always the case?)
, but depends on the strain as far as how long until you can tell, damn i need some seeds in NZ!