Kinda fucked!!


If you want to save your money, tell them you do not have money at all. And ask for community service! If the judge says yes take it right away! Do not even think twice, it is better to bust your ass and save your money.


Active Member
so you got fines = 4400
you go to jail bail= 3500
you have no money
you sit in jail and that pays off 100 a day (in TX) you're lookin at 79 days of jail time unless you're good in which case you could get "gain time" by being the guards errand boy and get out in half that
I'm sorry bout that bro, but for sure dont miss court :( lovelove goodluck


Well-Known Member
your lookin at FTA's! Failure To Appear... for each court date you didnt show to. if and when you go in front of the judge just ask for 60-90 days to pay the fines and usually the judge will grant it and if you dont pay it all w/ in that time period you can go back and ask for an extension!!


Well-Known Member
damn all good advice it has me thinking more now doh.
i called this morning and the machine for court answered.... Im in LA do you guys know hill street??? well yeah there machine so they gave me three new court dates apparently I had three FTA's! the other one was for fishing without a license i had forgot about that.
so i got new court dates..... what are the chances I will be able to do community service??? because im so willing to do it.
what are the chances I will get jail time??? wich i really really want to avoid...


Well-Known Member
jails are waaaay overcrowded and they want your money before they want you in jail!!! its just speeding tickets and FTA's! Not hitting a kid walking across the street and leavin the scene! 90% chance your gunna get fines to pay and /or do community service but if you have a job they'll prolly just want yur money tho!!