Kind of important!


Active Member
Ok so i planted my first germinated seed about 5 days ago and its lookin great! I was planning on growing it outside , But unfortunately i live in california and around this time The sun goes down a little sooner than normal, So i thought this might be a problem since a plant should get 18 hours of lighting , I found a light that i used to use for my Snake , i was wondering if it would be ok to use this light for when it is to dark to keep my plan outside>?


Well-Known Member
I have read that people supplement daylight with lamps when the days are short, but I'm not sure if your snake light would be the right type of light. Is it just a halogen heat lamp type thing?

I think you would need to use HPS, MH, or some flouros.

Also do you have neighboors that would be like WTF is that bright light in that guys backyard?


Well-Known Member
If it's of the proper spectrum it would be fine. I have my seedlings under a 200W saltwater light set-up and it works great.