killing males.


Well-Known Member
hey y'all. hows it going? at first glance and the thread title might it might look like it should be in the growing section but its not. anyway-
So, my newest crop has begun to show/confirm their sex, i had 11 plants and now im down to 8(which is good in a way cuz I needed the room). I still have such a hard time killing males, they are like a pet to me(all plants,not just males). lol. you feed em and take care of em and all that and ithen have to kill em. how about you guys? lol


Active Member
I always keep one to breed, thats why my shit gets more crazy every year I have old seed stock that I give to friends Iv been inbreeding from a nice fast satvia hybred for a lot of outdoor seasons. its not the most potent bud I ever, saw but it does not get mold or spider mites and is always finishes in mid sept like clockwork I'm down to 3 phenos from seamingly random


Well-Known Member
i feel bad killing any living thing :( but i use the males anyway...i vaped them. ALL of them. they were super friggin potent too. obviously you need a higher amount of leaves to get a buzz than with bud...but the high was just as potent :D


Well-Known Member
I'm sexing my plants right now. I've got a giant plant I'm guessing is a male, it's got fan leaves bigger than my hand. Gonna save a leaf or two for keepsake and hack that sucker right into the trash! What else can you do? Nadda.


i like the cat idea lol. why not share the plant with everyone and everything tht enjoys it as much as we do


Well-Known Member
thanks for stopping by everyone! i've been busy and havent been on the last few days. I've tried to give my cats the males from previous grows and very oddly they will not touch them. I really dont understand why though, they love to sit and paw at the door to my grow area, then again though i do yell at them and spray them w/water if they try to fuck w/the plants at all when ive got them out for watering or whatever. I'm down to 6 plants now(which is perfect), the 4 biggest plants all ended up being females. as for hash/vaping them-do you guys mean let them grow out and complete their lifec ycle or do you mean the newly confirmed males? I dont really see how you could get anything from them at this point. well, thanks again guys for coming by. I'll be +repping as many of you guys as i can till i run out for today.


my dog is the same way she follow me and some friends out in the woods, so we smoked her out, she wasnt happy but at the same time she seemed to like it, but she dont follow us out anymore when we go if she smells it on us


Well-Known Member
yeah, I hate to kill the males too but the problem with growing males is they make pollen and seed up your gals. I dont really consider some weak cannabutter worthwhile if it means my gals are all gonna suffer in potency and yeild too.


in a way im hopin my one plant is male so tht i can collet the pollen and put it on lower buds of a female and get some extra seeds


New Member
I hated doing this when I was newer grower. Plus, the males always seem to be the biggest, healthiest ones. Now I just kill the things. I have a few favorite ways. Best way is to let the cats eat them! Let them get it out of their systems. Sometimes I crumple them up in a paper ball. Sometimes I stomp on them and grind the life out of them. Now that it's warmer, I will be planting them anywhere I can around the area just for fun.