Kai Kush Grow, Harvest, Smoke report.


Active Member
Strain: GHS Kai Kush
Germination: May 15
Medium: Rockwool in humidity dome
Temp: 73-80
Humidity- 60-75%

I allow my seeds to soak overnight in a glass of water, then in a wet paper towel until the tap root emerges. After a couple of centimeters of taproot is visible i move into a rockwool cube.
I rinse my rockwool cubes in some regular tap water, then rinse them in a different solution ph'd at 6.5 with one or two drops per liter of House and Gardens Roots Excellurator.

Once germination began, it was 5 days until i had a seedling sprout from the rockwool. I kept the seedlings under a couple 25w daylight cfls in a humidity dome. Until roots had thoroughly emerged from the bottom of the rockwool. Once
roots have shown i place my seedling into red plastic cups with little holes in the bottom for drainage.

This is the only shot i have of the dome and cups. The Kai is in the red cup in the dome.

Before placing my rw cubes in the cups, i fill the with fox farm ocean forest and mix in a little great white powder and mycos. These go directly into the soil. Then i place my seedlings deep into the cups so the catalydon or sprout is barely above the soil. Most of the stem is buried.

Vegetative Growth:
Medium: Fox Farm OF with a little hydroton for some aeration. 3 gal. smart pot.
Lighting: 9 25-200w cfl's. 24hrs.
Nutrtients: Sensi Grow A&B, House and Garden Roots Excellurator, Earth Juice Micro Blast, DM Silica, and Superthrive.
temp: 73-79
humidity: 60-75%
I have a C02 block as well.

I leave the seedlings in the cups for a month of vegetative growth. The transplanted into 1gl smart parts for the remaining month or until the plants have reached around 14-18 inches tall. I like the SOG style. This girl went a little over two months in veg. A total of 62 days.


Once the girls reach the desired height 18in. I put them into flower. This girl started flowering on July 15th. This particular plant was put underneath a 150w hps with a 100w sw cfl supplement.


Start: July 15th
End: Sept. 27th
Lights: 150w HPS 100w CFL (sw) 12/12hr
Nutrients: Sensi Bloom A&B, Earth Juice Microblast, HC Gravity, HC Crystal Burst, Molasses
temp: 65-73

She was so freakin touchy in flower, had to keep a very close eye on the ppm. During the entire flower cycle the ppm never went above 700ppm's. Went all of 77 days. Fed her a nute solution about once every 2-3 days ph'd at 6.5

I flushed her for 20 days with 2 liters of water every other day.



2 days before harvest i gave her 2 liters of ice water and put a little ice on top of the soil. At day 77 i decided it was about that time. Cut her down at 8pm (two hrs before my lights came back on) and she was a beast.




I let her hang dry 4 days and moved into jars today. The nugs are crispy yet still very sticky retaining just a slight bit of moisture to. Smells very sweet/fruity like i wouldnt know it was weed if i wasnt looking at it. Smoke is a little harsh with sort of a lemon/banana flavor. The high is purely sativa, i feel this shit straight in my dome. Very heady and alert high, almost like im gonna start sweating. Overall id give the Kai Kush a 9/10 to grow and 8/10 smoke.

Total yield: 3.5 oz
Height: 26 in.



Well-Known Member
+rep to you on the smoke report. Nice job man. Once you get a bigger light you'll get some thicker and heavier buds. Nice job man.


Active Member
+ rep from me adn abig Thanks j4Droppy as ive been hunting everywhere for a decent reliable report on kaia kush to compair my kaia autos im about to germ now.

p.s :P to it being over a year old as i stated best report i could find matching my growing method.