Kabul War Diary


Active Member
So following the recent news of Wikileaks posting up more CIA secret documents and what not, I decided to actually check out their leaked documents on the War in Afganistan, and man, I am pretty shocked, things are far worse than I had ever imagined and I now understand why the American gvt got so antsy when these documents were released, it's embarrassing to be honest, and the American government truely shoud be ashamed. NATO should also be ashamed, how can other world powers let this happen, and even more astounding is that it is STILL happening and has been for the last 10 years! Anyway here is the link:


Read through the first page to understand what you are looking at, then go down to the map at the bottom of the page, and open which ever pin point you want, it will then open up all the details that happened at that spot, coordinates, civilian deaths and injuries, soldier deaths and injuries ect........it also cites suicide bombings and vehicle accidents.

These docs. are old news now, but I never really got round to having a look, if you have the slightest notion of whats really happening over there and have not had a look, then by all means, check the page out! It's scary. There are many cases where there have been 1 or 2 insurgents killed, with a total loss of 12 or 13 civ's you know!? These are fucked up numbers, is 1 insurgent worth 13 civilians?! Not in my opinion.

Peace amigos! And I hope this opens a few more eyes to the brutality that is going on over there.


Active Member
Its a war...people die....get over it.
With all due respect, that is a shitty mentality man! You say that now, but imagine waking up and looking out your window and seeing nothing but a war ravaged scene outside! You American? I'd imagine you may not have to wait that long to see it then.

I'm sorry, I don't blame you for the way you think, but it is fairly short sighted dude.

By the way, I posted this up for people who are actually interested and or care about whats gong on over there, I mean if you don't wanna talk about it then whatever, you don't have to.