Just want to let everyone know, I won't be giving advice/help from this moment on..


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that I will no longer be helping people out around here with questions.

People tend to take things WAY out of context around here IMO. I understand we all have our bad days.. but, I'm just fed up with me going out of my way to help someone with their plant(s).. only to have some kid/teen come into the thread running their mouths telling me that I'm giving out shitty advice.

Well, if that's how everyone feels about me.. than I won't help anyone from now on. Which is fine with me actually.. I was getting tired of constantly having to answer the same questions over and over and over and over and over and over again.

There are a selected few people around here that know me.. and know that I'm one of the most peaceful/quiet people you'll ever meet in your life.. and these people also know that I don't go around here running my mouth starting shit with people.. because I have nothing else better to do (and u know who u are). I don't do that.. for one, I'm too freaking old and mature to be going around on the internet forums running my mouth for whatever reason.. however IMO, there are way too many kids/teens around this site.. that do exactly just that.

Anyhow, for those of you that do know me... I just wanted to tell you all that I really do appreciate you guys. I appreciate you guys being cool and laid back and all that good stuff. And, for those of you that know me around here.. this applies to you only: If you need any help or have any questions.. feel free to msg me on here with your questions. If I have the answer, I'll be more than happy to help you out.. if I don't have the answer, I'll try and point you in the right direction.

Thanks for your time.