just topped one!!


Well-Known Member
only took u 20 mins to google it huh.if u kne how u woulda did it within 5 mins.UR NOT FOOLING ANYBODY.hahahahahahahaha awesome dude goodnight thanks for all the entertainment.


Well-Known Member
hahaha mad men..
smokeskin u little shit.
sit on ur thumb and rub it under ur nose!!
good lad


Well-Known Member
no your saying people have nute problems u lil retard u have HEAD problems foo.u have know clue what ur talking about.ur the guy that says a sativa is a stretched plant.ur dumb dude quit trying to give bad advice.

i was plucking dying fan leaves today and it was fine.aye benson if this dude is worrying you WHICH IT REALLY SHOULD NOT cause this guy has no clue what he is talking about.just clip one fan leave and watch the drop of sap or as retard is calling it BLOOD and u will see you are fine.


New Member
no your saying people have nute problems u lil retard u have HEAD problems foo.u have know clue what ur talking about.ur the guy that says a sativa is a stretched plant.ur dumb dude quit trying to give bad advice.

i was plucking dying fan leaves today and it was fine.aye benson if this dude is worrying you WHICH IT REALLY SHOULD NOT cause this guy has no clue what he is talking about.just clip one fan leave and watch the drop of sap or as retard is calling it BLOOD and u will see you are fine.
plucking dying fan leaves and you think 1) your plant is not burned or deficient and 2) you gotta be dumb to cut your leaves off and 3) you can control any plant, you just got to be smarter than what your working with


Well-Known Member
ARE YOU RETARDED....why am i asking of course you are.anyone can tell you fan leaves dye off of a maturing plant u retard wow.


Well-Known Member
and cutting fan leaves is a totally different subject im not gonna get into wit you cause ur a moron.

i personally clip some fan leaves wen need be


New Member
your poor plants. you are malicious. your leaves should die when you flush and starve at the end until then they are your solar panels dude. do you really use the word busta in your everyday life are you kidding about every thing you have wrote i hope so you wonder why u cant get yeilds like mine ha


Well-Known Member
yeilds like urs HAHAHAHAHA ya buddy i wanna go around on the internet and act like i kno something. so your saying all the fan leaves die off in only flush????YOU ARE A RETARD.u take stuff from the web and try to act like you have dealt with it.YOU KNOW NOTHING BUSTA. why i am still talking to you is beyond even me.


Well-Known Member
haha youve been told a hundred times man smoke...
In [URL="https://www.rollitup.org"]marijuana[/URL], the sap is usually colourless, although a bright red colour - it looks like blood - is not uncommon in later life. The red colour is due to haematin compounds and anthocyanin pigments that naturally build up in some varieties. The red colour may also indicate a nutrient deficiency, notably of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or magnesium.


New Member
haha youve been told a hundred times man smoke...
In [URL="https://www.rollitup.org"]marijuana[/URL], the sap is usually colourless, although a bright red colour - it looks like blood - is not uncommon in later life. The red colour is due to haematin compounds and anthocyanin pigments that naturally build up in some varieties. The red colour may also indicate a nutrient deficiency, notably of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or magnesium.


New Member
haha youve been told a hundred times man smoke...
In [URL="https://www.rollitup.org"]marijuana[/URL], the sap is usually colourless, although a bright red colour - it looks like blood - is not uncommon in later life. The red colour is due to haematin compounds and anthocyanin pigments that naturally build up in some varieties. The red colour may also indicate a nutrient deficiency, notably of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or magnesium.
my point exactly thank you benson. "in later life"= not topping time and other than that nute problem. usually colorless i believe that. mine in the past have not been red at all. green on the outside and white pith in the cambium layer thats it


Well-Known Member
no fan leaves n shit.
the topic is topping.
clean cut on main stem, leeks out the red sap which looks like blood in some plants..
when i done it, it shocked me! end of


Well-Known Member
wierdos man..

listen to wat peoples telling u,
trying to make me to be a fool smokeskin..
tables have changed havnt they..
u amature