Just tested my soil with a new soil tester, phosphorus problem? Please help.

I just bought a pH tester for my water and it was way high so I adjusted water pH with pH down, added kelp fert liquid, and fed my plants. Then I tested soil pH, it's good, nitrogen is adequate, potash is sufficient, but the phosphorus test is not any cloor of blue like it's supposed to be. It's brown. I'm using soil that I got at Home Depot (Kelloggs) and have four clones. two Black domina and two White widow. The widows are pretty small and the dominas look great. I did put bone meal and blood meal, epsom salts, and gypsum in the soil, and a little manure. Please help! Should I maybe dissolve some bone meal in water and add that? Would appreciate any replies. I'm a first time grower.