Just starting my first grow and...


Active Member
I've got a couple of questions before I get started.

My first would have to be about seeds. I have been reading about seeds and think that big bud sounds like a pretty generic beginner seed. Are there any other strains out there that are easy to grow and produce a lot of bud? Also, does anyone have any advice about a safe and reliable website to buy seeds from that mails to the United States? Every website I look at specifically says that it will not deliver seeds to the US and it's driving me crazy.

I'm really stoked about this grow and hopefully will get a camera sometime so I can show some pictures of the setup I'm working on and show how the plants do. Again, any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
i would say if you want something that isnt to difficult to grow go with an autoflowering plant. they also dont take as long. however they are dwarf plants if im not mistaken and they yield only 1 to 2 ounces per plant. hope this helped ya


Active Member
I don't really care about length of time though with this grow. I'm more worried about the quality of the grown and less worried about how fast I'll get it done. I just have heard that some strains are easier to grow than others and was wondering what some of them were and where I could find them.


Active Member
The Attitude Cannabis Seeds Marijuana Seeds i live in the states and i ordered seeds about 3 months ago and got my seeds in 8 days. and i didnt mean that they were easier to grow because it takes less time. autoflowering plants in general are easier to grow and just as a benifit it takes less time. but i know a guy who grew northern lights and strawberry cough indoors and he said all he did was put her under a light and watered her and she grew. btw it was some of the best herb ive smoked : )