Just some questions about my current canabutter batch on the stove



Optimum simmering time?

any rules temperature wise?

is the lid a taboo?

best alternative to a cheese cloth? (can't seem to find one anywhere)

any help is much appreciated


I do mine in a double boiler for 24 hours simmering it on low with a lid. Best alternative to a cheese close would be maybe an old worn t-shirt just taking a guess there. I would double check at your grocery store though. It's usually a small thing for them to carry, just ask them. It's real cheap stuff.

Just a note I've only made it once. Turned out pretty well. But others have the opinion that you shouldn't cook it this long. I used waterless cook ware that seals everything in so this may have been my saving grace.

Optimum simmering time?

any rules temperature wise?

is the lid a taboo?

best alternative to a cheese cloth? (can't seem to find one anywhere)

any help is much appreciated

The temperature the butter itself cooks at really doesn't matter you just don't want it to ever get so hot that it would start to separate. The biggest problem with the butter that can occur is if you are heating the butter in a pan straight on the burner you will need to keep the temperature low to make sure that no spots on the pan heat up to much and burn some of the weed at the bottom. To solve this problem I use a simple homemade double boiler where I put a smaller pan inside of a larger one and use steam to heat the smaller pan. This creates a nice even heat on the bottom of the pan that will never burn the weed or the butter.

The butter should be cooked for at least 2 hours however if you have the time 4-6 hours is the optimum time to cook the butter. Make sure you stir the butter frequently.

When cooking with the butter you should set your over for 325 because weed begins to vaporize around 350-360 and most ovens have at least a 15 degree variance up and down because what they do is heat up above the temperature you set and then just cool down for a little bit before heating up again. If you cook at 325 though your food will just take a little longer but you will not run the risk of vaporizing any of your thc.

Best of luck and if you have any other questions just let me know.


Active Member
maybe I just overdue it...but i simmer it for 12 hrs on low......and I also add water a few cups.... strain it with cheese cloth (crucial) wait till it hardens and just scoop the top, solid green butter...the rest is water waste... cheesecloth at ane safeway,luckys,food store...cheap as hell..