Just joined, got a question!


Hey everyone! I just joined so I might as well get straight to a question. I'm from Florida and where I live specifically it just seems as if the strains of marijuana that I get aren't as 'beautiful' or seem to have a THC Level as high as other states. I got some pictures of a few little buds different types from different months. What would you classify it as just by the looks, a low, medium, or high strain bud? Here it runs 10-15 a G I don't seem to get to the state that I used to be able to get to which made me feel amazing, these buds just make me feel how I do every day almost. do you think there isn't a high enough THC Content? I have also had a problem with edibles. I have eaten HUGE Pot brownies atleast 3 of them and it didn't do one thing to me but my friends were apparently out of the world, And a second time I ate four of them different batch they got blazed again and I was sitting in disappointment. Opinions? Should I be on the lookout for a better supplier?



Well, i sometimes hardly ever get seeds from my guy. Should I use the ones that I do get to grow my own? Or would that be a waste of time and should I just buy seeds online?


Well-Known Member
Well, i sometimes hardly ever get seeds from my guy. Should I use the ones that I do get to grow my own? Or would that be a waste of time and should I just buy seeds online?
Your pics tell me that you are purchasing some really decent mid! The middle bud, depending on aroma could pass for highs around here. Also if it's pregnant (seeds) that brings it down a notch.

You want high grade and your wallet is stacked enough I would spring for some good genetics. Then you can choose the type, indica or sativa. If I found a few beans in your current, grow them. I like to keep some decent say 8 to 10% THC bud around.Mid level to be able to sit and have second smoke sessions.

Low THC levels could be an issue but tolerance could be another factor. Try going a day or so, drown down some water to flush it out, 3rd day you'll be lit..


Well-Known Member
Yeah find a good quality strain that has been out and reviewed by unbiased growers. Don't go for the new popular strains could end up with Hermie.


Well-Known Member
Well OP seems to me like you still live at home or you are underage. If you're not 18 and can't get a medical marijuana card then you should find a better dealer or start a CFL grow in your closet


Well OP seems to me like you still live at home or you are underage. If you're not 18 and can't get a medical marijuana card then you should find a better dealer or start a CFL grow in your closet
I'm of age, but sadly where I live I do not get the benefit of dispensaries if you understand what I am saying. I will more then likely start growing I've already been looking at seeds on some sites.


Well-Known Member
Breeders Boutique is a good spot to score beans from, only place i've ever spent my money with. Their genetics are top notch, I would highly reccomend them. Check out the dog kush I grew it and the Cheese Surprise on my first indoor grow it came out great!! They give out free ten packs with every ten pack bought, and the freebies are fire too. I won some beans from the Gorilla Seed Bank, they hooked it up. I ended up with a decent cut of POG by RP. The Gorilla has great customer service and offers a lot of discounts. Good luck man, if u do it right you will be growing for now on, at least that's what happened to me. Why pay 100-120 USD for dank when I can grow my own, and it's better.