Just germinated seeds... i can't have them in my house right now...


New Member
Hey guys, i've just germinated some skunk seeds, and i have a professional set up (Tent, reflectors, carbon filter, extractor fan, etc...), but i can't have the plants in my house for a week or 2, so i want to put them outside, but i'm worried because it's flowering season...

Basically, my question is:

Can i move some baby seedlings outside (just for a week or 2), even though it's flowering season?

(I live in greece, it's still about 28 oc (83 Fahrenheit).

Thanks guys :)


King Tut
You could move them outside if you used a few small fluoros to make sure they are getting roughly 18 hours of light i would think.


New Member
You could move them outside if you used a few small fluoros to make sure they are getting roughly 18 hours of light i would think.
Man, i don't think you understood... I can't have the plants indoors for another 2 weeks (long story), i can only have them outside... I'm just worried because it's flowering season, and they are meant to be vegging....

Stark Raving

Active Member
Just because they're outside doesn't mean you can't put a light on them though. Pretty much any light would do for this temporary situation. Just make sure they get 18 hours of light.


King Tut
Man, i don't think you understood... I can't have the plants indoors for another 2 weeks (long story), i can only have them outside... I'm just worried because it's flowering season, and they are meant to be vegging....
i think i did. You can put them outside but would need to extend the light period by using fluoros as it gets dark. If they are put outside right now (during the shorter flowering daylight period) they will at least stress if not start kicking into flower depending on how long they are out there. Thinking about all those 12/12 from seed threads i've read.


Well-Known Member
What he means is you can put them outside, but whilst they are there they will need persuading it's summer by extending the light. I think even going out with a big torch, put an outside light on for a bit; whatever; just break the autumn light cycle.
Two weeks, she may hermie, but I'd go for it.


Well-Known Member
You'll be ok with them outside in Greece for two weeks as long as after two weeks they definatly come inside. Pretty hot in Europe at the moment as well. Find out what times it gets light in the morning and what times it gets dark at night and theres your photoperiod or period of light.

They wont start flowering after two weeks if you only just popped em even if the photoperiod is 12/12 light/dark or under but you can see that they would need the right conditions sooner or later for good vegetative growth. Feels like we could of almost had a double crop in the fields this summer and early winter, was hot early and still hot. Peace

Growing weed wont solve your national debt thought!lol!


New Member
You'll be ok with them outside in Greece for two weeks as long as after two weeks they definatly come inside. Pretty hot in Europe at the moment as well. Find out what times it gets light in the morning and what times it gets dark at night and theres your photoperiod or period of light.

They wont start flowering after two weeks if you only just popped em even if the photoperiod is 12/12 light/dark or under but you can see that they would need the right conditions sooner or later for good vegetative growth. Feels like we could of almost had a double crop in the fields this summer and early winter, was hot early and still hot. Peace

Growing weed wont solve your national debt thought!lol!
Hahaha yeah i know, but it's legal now, so what the heck *stoner face*

Thanks a lot for your help man!

Just found out the sun gets up at 6 am, and sets at 8 pm... so basically 13 hours of light :/

it's not even going to be 2 weeks, it's going to be until next sunday pretty much.. so it's a week and a bit, you sure this will be ok? :D


Well-Known Member
Weeds legal in Greece? Since when? Many jobs going there as im recently cosidering living there after someone told me weeds legal now!lol!

Yer get the weather report for next few days to see if there might be any nasty shocks in store but other than that it should be cool, might stretch a bit but two weeks from seed is not a big plant by anymeans.

Dont know how you got weed legal over there! Peace


New Member
Weeds legal in Greece? Since when? Many jobs going there as im recently cosidering living there after someone told me weeds legal now!lol!

Yer get the weather report for next few days to see if there might be any nasty shocks in store but other than that it should be cool, might stretch a bit but two weeks from seed is not a big plant by anymeans.

Dont know how you got weed legal over there! Peace
It's not actually that bad... I'm here living with my parents atm (they are cool with me growing because they know its legal :P), and i haven't noticed any changes since i moved here in 2005... literally nothing has changed. i still prefer here over england (where i used to live). it's amazingly chilled here.

And yeah, all drugs have been decriminalized here now :D since about 2 or 3 weeks ago :D


Check it out ;)

Thanks for your help man :D


Well-Known Member
you'll be FINE with them outside for two weeks (dont listen to anyone telling you otherwise). your plant wont mature fast enough to start budding in two weeks from sprout. its not a clone.

only thing to be concerned about is how cold it gets at night. if it gets too cold then they could die. however since you said its 83 i think you'll be find if it doesnt drop below 65 or so at night. if so put them outside in a shed. or something to keep them warm at night at least.

once the two weeks is up bring them inside and put them under 18/6 or better.


Well-Known Member
also if for some reason you see it IS starting to flower (ie. pistils) then simply put it under 18/6 and it will go back to veg state.


Active Member
if you can put them under your outside house light, all they need really is 13 hrs of light to stay vegging. You will be fine, cool weather will slow them down. Might be best to put a seed heat pad under them for night warmth. As for revegging, increase risk of hermie.

Stark Raving

Active Member
But wouldn't a 12/12 light cycle put a lot of stress on the plant, even though it's not sexually mature? Guess I shouldn't have assumed this.

(for the record, I am not very familiar with this since I grow indoor, so I'm always up for learnin something new)


Active Member
OMFG weed is legal in Greece? how come they never talk about this shit on the news? man i am packing my bags lol i love the medi food and weed =) Greece here i come

P.S. Are there any other benefits in greece like wellfare? ebt? medicare? social security? anything that can convince to go lol getting tired of usa


Well-Known Member
OMFG weed is legal in Greece? how come they never talk about this shit on the news? man i am packing my bags lol i love the medi food and weed =) Greece here i come

P.S. Are there any other benefits in greece like wellfare? ebt? medicare? social security? anything that can convince to go lol getting tired of usa
The wommen are hot over there . Make sure you get a big house so I can have my own room and I will go with you . Have pass port and willing to travle and no I am not gay just sick of being taxed to death along with the none stop rain


New Member
OMFG weed is legal in Greece? how come they never talk about this shit on the news? man i am packing my bags lol i love the medi food and weed =) Greece here i come

P.S. Are there any other benefits in greece like wellfare? ebt? medicare? social security? anything that can convince to go lol getting tired of usa
Yeah man, it's an amazing country... Eveyone says it's falling to shit with the crisis, etc... But to be honest, in the 7 years which i've lived here, i've noticed no difference at all... there's amazing weather, food, scenery, etc... it's reall awesome


Well-Known Member
But wouldn't a 12/12 light cycle put a lot of stress on the plant, even though it's not sexually mature? Guess I shouldn't have assumed this.

(for the record, I am not very familiar with this since I grow indoor, so I'm always up for learnin something new)
I think the stresses talked about would come from limited light and simply cause things like stretching and slower growth.

The 12/12 light cycle will have little effect on making the seedling or young veg plant flower at this stage because it is way too young, a rooted clone probably would flower yes but not a plant two weeks from seed. Peace


New Member
it takes the plant about 2 weeks to realize it should be flowering. I'm in the same but different position, I don't have money to finish my grow tent till the middle of the month about so they're sitting on my window. They'll stretch a bit there but once I get em under my light they'll be OK


Well-Known Member
it takes the plant about 2 weeks to realize it should be flowering. I'm in the same but different position, I don't have money to finish my grow tent till the middle of the month about so they're sitting on my window. They'll stretch a bit there but once I get em under my light they'll be OK
I couldnt pop a seed and get it to flower in two weeks though. Peace