Just found a seed howw should I grow it?


Well-Known Member
I'd wait til you 'find' a few more seeds before starting a grow - you could put in a month or two's effort to end up with a male.

Having said that, it could be good practice if it's your first grow, so that you can learn from your mistakes and apply it to the next grow.

But as with what the other said, sounds like you should be doing some more research first.


Well-Known Member
I'd wait til you 'find' a few more seeds before starting a grow - you could put in a month or two's effort to end up with a male.

Having said that, it could be good practice if it's your first grow, so that you can learn from your mistakes and apply it to the next grow.

But as with what the other said, sounds like you should be doing some more research first.
yea Id' try to grow that seed just don't buy all the suplys you think you'll need untill you have more plants


Well-Known Member
u should sow with love and u will reap as ii would say....drop seed inna cup luke warm aqua...tap root shows a lil plant in soil tap root down water only when inch soil is dry....tell the herb u love it everyday...and someone pick up where ii left off im going back to the outernet...goodbye internet


Active Member
hi im in the same position ive got pleanty of seeds just need to know where to start and how do you ask uestions on this site i cant figure out how to do it and where to go


Well-Known Member
hi im in the same position ive got pleanty of seeds just need to know where to start and how do you ask uestions on this site i cant figure out how to do it and where to go
there are 2 simple ways to germanate a seed

1 - wet paper towel

and the one I perfer the most hands down

2 - distilled water in a shot glass ( use 1 shot glass per seed)

both thoes methods don't require light all they need is a warm dark place till they get a tap root


Well-Known Member
here's a start:


Also, you WILL make mistakes during your first couple of grows, most of which can easily be rectified, however if you don't have any idea what you're doing you WILL kill the plant(s) - usually from silly things like over-watering or nute burn (too much nutrients).

I'd suggest doing some more reading before you germinate any seeds.

Plenty of people on this forum have read other people's grow journals and the FAQ etc. for MONTHS before beginning a grow.

At the end of the day the more info you have, the quicker you can respond to problems you may encounter along the way.


Active Member
thanks guys now how do i start a thread what do i click on or do i just carry this one on im a little confused


Well-Known Member
thanks alot buddy awesome
no problum, I'm glad that I was able to help, and if you want to give people rep just click on the scale pic for the post the person did.

Here's what I perfer for people to do

(Name of the board topic) - (reason for the rep) - (user name)


Active Member
yeah I just wanted to lead a discussion and talk to people and stuff. Thanks for all the info. I have begun to check out the rest of the site and its awesome...sweet mj,,




Active Member
i'm in the same sitaution as u man what's ur sn for AIM mine is BTNH4evaRIPeazy hit me up i'll tell u everything i'velearned from starting from scratch then we'll go from there lol