Just about 8 weeks flowering not sure if i should flush, cell pics.


Active Member
So they are just about 8 weeks and i heard i should flush in the last week but i think they might need more time. Ive just been using water for the past week and a half.
it came from some bag seed it looks like theres at least 3 different kinds.
and what about using molases




Well-Known Member
bag seed ... no wall reflectors ... pretty spindly ...

they are probably immature just because they aren't getting enough light. Let the color of the tricombs tell you when.


Well-Known Member
Pictures aren't really detailed enough but it looks like you have at least 1-2 weeks more to go, maybe 3. They are pretty green so you have loads of N built up- don't be afraid to stop fertilizing NOW. Molasses is always a good idea. 1 Tablespoon per gallon of water per week will help add weight and taste.


Active Member
yea the pics suck, do you think i should flush them ???? im thinking i might need to because i was only using miracle grow and its crystals.??
and yea i was thinking another week or 2 im gunna get a scope to check out the trichs but by the looks of it, they are all white.


Active Member
miracle grow????? really???? go get bloom or go to a supply on line i guess we are lucky here in humboldt we have many many fertilizer and plant food available miricle grow ....curios to know how that turns out or tastes let me know