Jury Nullification


Active Member
Jury Nullification

To those that are attempting to inspire Jury Nullification. I must
say that is a wonderful idea which can take the teeth which they bite
us with. So more power to all that are attempting this!! However I
would like to make some suggestions that I think could give you a
little bite back.

Any one that has been in the court system understands they try to
encourage the deferment program as opposed to going to court. They
sell this program under the guise of you will not have to go to court only do counseling and best of all it will not show on your

The problem is they are lying to all that go before the court so
that they may expedite the masses and keep their costs of prosecution
MINIMUM!!! This also makes it easier on the prosecutors work load.

While they are not lying about your doing counseling and they are
not lying about you going further in the court process. YA know that
thing called due process and rights they ask you to sign away your rights to accomplish
this goal. They make it sound like a good deal... PSYCHE!!!!

In reality your record is easily available on the police website
which wrote the violation. They will try to convenience you that that
is not part of a background search. WTF? If I can find out about it
online then anyone doing a background search can find it. I know
you are thinking that prosecutors never lie, however, it is rue THEY

My suggestion for fighting this fight is to affect the prosecutors
work load. This will not only frustrate them but increase court
costs and clog the system. While I understand that nullification is
the goal you can accomplish the education process at the same time.
As the courts clog up the less resources they have the more they will
have to buckle.

Take the margin away those that have vested
interest walk away. Make them work twice as hard to get the same
margin accomplishes the same goal.

Art of War – Sun Tzus

When you engage in actual fighting, if victory is
long in coming, then men's weapons will grow dull and their ardor
will be damped. If you lay siege to a town, you will exhaust your

In hemmed-in situations, you must resort to stratagem. In
desperate position, you must fight.


Well-Known Member
Personally I think any pot smoker who doesn't aspire to get on a jury should he hung by their nuts.