junkie not down with my home state?


Active Member
Okay, so in a simple sentence or two can you please outline why YOU support 502?
one of the main reasons i support this bill is its a carbon copy of how alcohol was finally deprohibited.state by state they lifted the prohibition. it wasnt until 37 states had done that did the feds lift there bans.i truly believe that the state will not be letting people get arrested after leaving one of there establishments. they have revenue to lose at that point, which really right now they do not. also they will need growers, and trimmers, and packagers, forklift operators, etc that create jobs. those are a couple of reasons i support this bill, if we stop mistrusting the goverment maybe they would act in our favor for a change.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
Here is a little bit for you to read.

I-502 establishes a license system for production, possession, distribution and sale of marijuana. Initial licenses shall be $250 with an annual renewal fee of $1000. Rules prohibit producers and processors from having any financial interest in retailers, essentially similar to and administered by the State Liquor Control Board. Unlicensed marijuana is still illegal, including personal grows in one's own home.

So you can’t grow your own, nor can you have any MJ that is not from the state or you can go to jail! They want total control of the market and it isn’t going to do shit for the court systems due to people still growing MMJ and people not wanting to get it through the state! Weed isn’t like alcohol it is easy to grow and anyone with two brain cells to rub together can grow it, not just anyone can set up a still in their garage and crank out whiskey!

There is also a 25% tax on it on top of the $250-$1000 permit to grow/supply the state. Now I am assuming that your product will have to be tested for mold, mildew, THC levels so on and so on. So who is going to be able to afford to grow while paying these taxes/permit/testing? That would be outside interests that take the profit out of state! So most likely the people growing/selling to the state we will never see that money. We will only see the permit fees and also the 25% tax. Most MMJ co-ops cost about $50k just to get started. That isn’t even a full on grow opp. And most MMJ co-ops have out of state investors so we don’t see that money either. I don’t agree with that and I know the state run shit will be the same!

Instead like I have tried to explain in the simplest terms that I can for one of you guys, local growers spend probably 80-90% of their profit at local businesses not 25%! And if you understand business at all your overhead will be taken out of your profit with renting grow area big enough to supply the state, also all the testing isn’t free it’s probably quite expensive! And your permits, and layers cus they state can’t protect you from the Fed’s! Also your setup fees equipment, lights, power bill. There are a shitload of expenses in growing weed. And the state is going to add more and everyone thinks the price is going to drop????? And that 25% will probably only equate to 10-15% of actual money spent on the state helping it!

I-502 would also make it illegal to drive with blood THC levels equal to or greater than 5 nanograms per milliliter. Medical experts are increasingly concerned that this will lead to unimpaired drivers being wrongfully convicted

There isn’t any real way to test you when pulled over that will be legally fair to you either due to nobody wanting a dipshit cop taking blood. Do you think they are going to call an EMT every time someone doesn’t want a cop to do it? Also if you refuse to let a cop do it is that like refusing a breathalyzer? I don't think people should be driving high either but there has to be an effective way of testing before we start slapping people that smoked last night with a DUI!

That is just a few minor things wrong with the bill, if you still think it is a good idea you should stick a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger! You are wasting good air that a smart person could be breathing!

1. if we stop mistrusting the goverment maybe they would act in our favor for a change.

Are you insane? Do you have any idea what our government does? Trust them? That is what got us into Iraq, "Weapons of mass distrution" we don’t watch them they are inside trading and manipulating the stock market in their favor to make money and it is fucking us! They don’t care about peoples 401k’s the housing market falling out due to no government control on how loans were given out. “And they knew about it! And did nothing” And once again that is just a few things our trustworthy gov was up to line their pockets! The congress has a 7% approval rating with the country. Are you saying that 93% of the country is stupid and you and the other 7% are the smart ones?

Read educate yourself and open your fucking eyes! Stop relieing on big brother to support you and protect you and do it yourself! They are nothing more that wolves in sheep’s clothes that will fuck/kill you if it helps them or their special interests make money! If you believe anything else you clearly have no idea how our government is!

You can also just burry your head in the sand and stay ignorant it is up to you.


Active Member
I saw a good post by Seamaiden over at thc farmer. She was talking about Cali and legalization in general, but I think it applies to this discussion as well. Originally Posted by Seamaiden:

"I no longer support legalization in any way, shape or form. Why? The Hemp Farming Bill just passed here in California in combination with the new patents on pot being granted to big pharma.

Chimeric marriages will lead us to a new monster that we never could have imagined. Once it's actually "legalized" WE won't be able to grow for ourselves, just like it used to be with tobacco. I'm sure this is the way we're headed, for as long as we live in a state where farmers can't save their own seed without permission.

No legalization. Decrim.... possibly, but no legalization. I'd rather we keep it to ourselves than let an outfit like Bristol-Meyer Squibb marry an outfit like Monsanto, and that *is* what's coming down the pipeline.

Myopia. We haz it."