Jumpped for smoking weed


Well-Known Member
damn... damn... damn

I would go over there with a baseball bat and smash he's knees ! No shit dude... U dont know me.. If someone breaks my stuff, I break something on there body.. dont care if its a finger atm. or a leg ! Something's gota break.. Even a slap around the head to he's sun glasses is enough... :)

Break something.... Go there and beat the shit out of him, say to him you ever break something again... Well, lets say... you wont ever again after this .... ;)


Well-Known Member
well if i see him around im going to confront him, but other then that im not starting anymore shit. i like to stay out of trouble.


Well-Known Member
Lol, Get you some pepper spray, and go get his little religious friend high again.

Then when the dickhead see's you, and tries to be a hardass, you let him have it. >=O


New Member
Very true. I just think I would've done it out of anger. Once when I was in jail, A guy walked by me, and splashed water on my face ( from the water faucet) and I exploded on him. This doesn't happen with every guy that wants to fight me though. Everytime me and my dad get into it, I'm the one that backs down. I don't know what it is, Im sure I could make him my bitch... but I would feel like shit afterwards.
I saw a guy throw water from out of his cell doors onto this cat that was outside mopping the floors. the next day at breakfast i saw the guy that got water on him and his punk standing about twnety feet apartwith towels around their arms.Needless to say, they guy that threw the water was stabbed repeatedly. The moral is "never throw water on anyone until you find out if they have been kicked out of multiple prisons."


New Member
Martial arts isnt pussy shit, be respect full. its actually quite deadly. if used correctly
Tell us how it helped you?
And the cats talkin about the mace are right. hurts like hell and you dont feel bad when you use it, because you arent really touching them or causing lasting damage. If you use it once or twice on the same guys(it spreadspretty evenly) they will leave you alone fast. Or you could fight back like a man and take an ass whoopin a few times. No one really wants to bully someone that will fight back.


Well-Known Member
Earlier on tonight, i was with my friend and we met up with some guy to smoke a bowl, the suddenly hes like shit and passes it to me quickly then all i see is some preppy dick coming across the parking lot saying ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS SHIT. so they argued on then later on after my friend left i met up with another of my friends in the same parking lot and i borrowed his pipe breifly and just walked around the plaza to smoke a bowl (this pipe was about $150) so all i see is this preppy dick in his car drive by and i see him looking at me so i walk about another 10 ft and all i hear is hey YOU!, so i turn around to see whats going on and him and his friend (for back up i assume) coming towards me so im by my self and so im like whats up and they are like bitching at me for giving their friend alittle herb which i didnt because when we were smoking the bowl i didnt have any yet and we walked to a different spot and the i smoked some, all i did was hold it when he passed it to me. so hes like its his f-ing religion and stuff so me being a stoner im like ya i understand im sorry i didnt know. so then he was like do you have any weed on you and dont lie to me we will search you so i was like jut this pipe and hes like let me see it, so i said its not my pipe so he puts his fist up and takes it from me ( reminder this fight would have been 2 on 1) and then smashed it into peices on the sideway. then hes like if you ever give him weed again we will come after you got it!

im still pumped with adrenaline, i have been training in martial arts but there was two of them one was large maybe like 200 pounds. so i didnt wana take any chances. so basiclly i ended up with only one hit and owing my friend a 150 dollar pipe. greaaat, i know who he is and his name and everything but if i go after him hes the type of guy that would get like 10 of his friends on me so ya.

what would you do.
Take something of his worth 300 dollars:mrgreen:


Too many brownies
Tell us how it helped you?
And the cats talkin about the mace are right. hurts like hell and you dont feel bad when you use it, because you arent really touching them or causing lasting damage. If you use it once or twice on the same guys(it spreadspretty evenly) they will leave you alone fast. Or you could fight back like a man and take an ass whoopin a few times. No one really wants to bully someone that will fight back.

I have dealt with bullies and they NEVER want to mess with someone they know will fight back. No matter how much you think otherwise that is the truth!


New Member
Out numbered or not it would of been on. If you could get a good hard hit in first chances are you could take ghim down then its 1 on 1. Also alot of time just stepping up and landing that first good shot will send them running!


Too many brownies
I got in exactly 3 fights when I was in high school. They all went down in exactly the same manner.

I either got pushed, smacked, or punched once. Thhhen I just started swinging at the kids faces as hard as I possibly could probably hit them about 5 or 6 times. They stumbled back fell down whatever....and that was it. They either stayed on the ground or got up and walked back to their friends nice and bloody. They didnt TOUCH me.

I was no big guy in high school either I was 5'10" and about 150 pounds


Well-Known Member
Earlier on tonight, i was with my friend and we met up with some guy to smoke a bowl, the suddenly hes like shit and passes it to me quickly then all i see is some preppy dick coming across the parking lot saying ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS SHIT. so they argued on then later on after my friend left i met up with another of my friends in the same parking lot and i borrowed his pipe breifly and just walked around the plaza to smoke a bowl (this pipe was about $150) so all i see is this preppy dick in his car drive by and i see him looking at me so i walk about another 10 ft and all i hear is hey YOU!, so i turn around to see whats going on and him and his friend (for back up i assume) coming towards me so im by my self and so im like whats up and they are like bitching at me for giving their friend alittle herb which i didnt because when we were smoking the bowl i didnt have any yet and we walked to a different spot and the i smoked some, all i did was hold it when he passed it to me. so hes like its his f-ing religion and stuff so me being a stoner im like ya i understand im sorry i didnt know. so then he was like do you have any weed on you and dont lie to me we will search you so i was like jut this pipe and hes like let me see it, so i said its not my pipe so he puts his fist up and takes it from me ( reminder this fight would have been 2 on 1) and then smashed it into peices on the sideway. then hes like if you ever give him weed again we will come after you got it!

im still pumped with adrenaline, i have been training in martial arts but there was two of them one was large maybe like 200 pounds. so i didnt wana take any chances. so basiclly i ended up with only one hit and owing my friend a 150 dollar pipe. greaaat, i know who he is and his name and everything but if i go after him hes the type of guy that would get like 10 of his friends on me so ya.

what would you do.
Dude no, he is walkin all over you cause he can.

What you do is, don't give him an inch, if he asks you what you have tell him to shove his own fist up his ass. If you show intimidation they will, well, go over and break your piece. If you held your ground I doubt they would have done shit, people like that look for an easy prey, someone they can bully. If you prove that you are willing to throw fists if he gets near you, chances are he will pussy out and hunt someone else who he can torment


Well-Known Member
first of all u are a sissy and a coward that is in the past...do you not know anyone that can beat the piss out of this guy until he pays you the 150 $ he broke?


Well-Known Member
first of all u are a sissy and a coward that is in the past...do you not know anyone that can beat the piss out of this guy until he pays you the 150 $ he broke?
I can easily, that wasnt the problem though it was him his friend and the other 4 people parked in the car that he was in. see my problem here. like I have been looking for him all over the place but I cant find him, like chances are if I ran into him when he was alone he would be shitting in his pants. like my point is if I hit him all of his other friends would have jumped in and beat the life out of me, I just wanted to get out of there unharmed. I know where he works I just dont want to start a fight in Walmart. but like hes a total dick i dont know. hes so against cannabis but yet he will use violence.

I used to get bullied alot im public school and it made me a pushover when it comes to things like this. but like this one kid used to take my hat all the time and then he stabbed me in the arm with a pen not deep but like enough to break the skin, and i flipped and i nearly choked him out, and left bruises on his neck. like i dont want to hurt people like that.

so to put everything in a nutshell, if i hit him i would have been gang beaten. if that happened i would have used the knife i had and probably would end up in prision. so things could have been alot worse. and i didnt want to pull the knife in the first place because then I know they would be after me and a car could pull up to me on the street randomly at anytime and they all get out and attack me.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
it would've been self defense if you used the knife though..4 to 1=).... J/K

this thread is starting to remind me of that old book we all had to read in school "The Outsides" with the Greasers and the Soc's.... and them getting jumped and Ponyboy(ralph machio aka the karate kid) stabbed the preppy fuck and killed him them went on the lamb


Well-Known Member
I got in exactly 3 fights when I was in high school. They all went down in exactly the same manner.

I either got pushed, smacked, or punched once. Thhhen I just started swinging at the kids faces as hard as I possibly could probably hit them about 5 or 6 times. They stumbled back fell down whatever....and that was it. They either stayed on the ground or got up and walked back to their friends nice and bloody. They didnt TOUCH me.

I was no big guy in high school either I was 5'10" and about 150 pounds
lulz thats exatley how i fight and my height / weight

zomg twin!??:confused:


Well-Known Member
it would've been self defense if you used the knife though..4 to 1=).... J/K

this thread is starting to remind me of that old book we all had to read in school "The Outsides" with the Greasers and the Soc's.... and them getting jumped and Ponyboy(ralph machio aka the karate kid) stabbed the preppy fuck and killed him them went on the lamb
awww yea i remember that i read that book in grade 8. they all had switch blades. its funny because i was actually wearing a black leather jacket.


Active Member
yes then suffer several beatings. if it was just him i would have kicked him in the jaw or something. or hit him in the chest with a buddha palm strike. something real devistating

why not kick him in the jaw and give his buddy the buddha palm strike........ yeah right:roll:


Well-Known Member
why not kick him in the jaw and give his buddy the buddha palm strike........ yeah right:roll:
your right about the buddha palm that takes awhile to master, but i can kick some one in the head while they are standing. either a front kick, hook kick, round house, crecent, reverse crescent, and side kick. its not that difficult it just requires flexibility.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Something I've always found worked great also was kicking someone directing in the face.. I haven't done that in probably 20yrs though=).. I got in a fight about 7-8months ago.. Long story guy mad I was dating his ex long story short.I slammed his face in the street about 5times he didn't try to fight with me again after that..=)