JR Peters and Hydro


Active Member
I started useing GH products and still use them today,the prices of that stuff looks good but if its to confusing its to easy to make a mistake in my opinion,I think your better off switching to something a little more common to the type of plants we are growing at least you can get answers to your questions good luck


Well-Known Member
hi there i would go with sumthin simple like advance nutes or ghe or any other betta of to use nutes every1 else use....so if u have any q peeps can answer threw there experiences....
WHAT!?!?! hahaha this is the most ridiculous thing i have EVER read on here... SOmething simple such as advanced nutrients LOL do your research A.N is about 30% salts and 75% of there product mimic each other in chemicals. Not to mention they only contain 6 YES SIX of the 16 trace element plants need, when J.R peters has all 16, so if my simple you mean lacking essential minerals and vitamins your plant need then yes advanced nutrients has you covered.
They are nothing more then a over priced label. That are ONLY in it for the money. and yes i have used them for about 3 years. Used many different brand since then. Been using J.R peter professional for about 2 years now.
You get the product for 1/3 of the price about 5$ a pound which last 2-3 months. When advanced nutrients is about 90$ just to get there basic formula haha what a joke.
Anyways il let the pictures do the talking.

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Please dont listen to this clown. He apparently has no idea what hes talking about. I can look up about 50 articles on RIU supporting everything i have stated. Dont believe me just look it up ;)

for the J.R to use
for veg get the hydro professional $5 a pound
and calcium nitrate

for flowering also $5 a pound
bloom booster 10-30-20
and calcium nitrate

That is all i have been using for about 2 years now with some 35% h202 with immaculate results.

Zoe Lynn

I have used these products
work great!
all you need is the calcium nitrate and the pro hydroponic for the whole grow


Well-Known Member
thanks folks! that was just the info I was looking for.
I am happy with the results I'm getting with dyna gro, but I wouldn't mind doing a little comparison grow to some of the JR Peters.


Well-Known Member
this is a 2 year old thread. good stuff tho, the pro and calcium nitrate are basically marketed to professional greenhouse growers who don't want to mix their own salts from scratch for whatever reason, but are not stupid enough to buy home hydro industry bottled nutes.

There's several other fert companies and farm supply stores that make virtually identical products. I am always surprised that mmj forums don't recommend these sorts of products to new growers, as they are obviously much higher quality (also much cheaper) than what ppl get at hydro stores. Their must be lots of product reps on the forums lol.


Well-Known Member
jacks hydro+calcium nitrate+floralicious plus+any si additive= all you need in hydro at the best ratio and best price! it's my next nute set-up start to finish, .16$/gal! only cons... it's not recommended to use it in soil/soilless