Joint, Blunt, Bong, OR Bowl?

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
Vape is the real shit u get 2-4 times more THC of a gram than bowls joints... blunts.. pipes.. .. So u get 2-4 times more stoned :) .. That should be the favorite method to anybody looking to get Max THC level .... It delivers most THC at one hit.. and as a whole.And Reducing smoking burnt material will improve your lungs capacity and u will get even more stoned ... And the money u save due getting more high of least amount..... I've read and can it proved from my vaped experience that when u r using a joint or bowl u get like 60-80 percent waste of THC...
Oh and the best thing bout vaping is THE TASTE... and that u can smoke low grade weed and so fuckin stoned... Its hard to take 5 grams on bowls or joints expecially when the weed sux .. Better Vape 1-2 grams of it ,no lung problems no throat pain... getting as high as any fine ass THCfull :) shit


New Member
Vape should be the favorite method to anybody looking to get Max THC level ....
I own a vaporizer and use to only use it, but after about a week or two it got OLD. I have no real good reason for why i stoped using it... mabey the shitty burnt popcorn taste after the bowls out?
most often is a joint.
where I live its actually illegal to buy everything that is connected to marijuana, this means.. bongs, pipes (except wooden tobacco pipes) and everything else.
so rolling papers is the only legal thing to buy here (for rolling tobacco)...
I mean, I tried a DIY bottle bong and its disgusting...

also, I can smoke joints virtually everywhere without looking suspicious, and I really enjoy all the heating, mixing and rolling (I usually smoke hash...).


Active Member
Haha I'm also to cheap for one right now, but my dealer/close friend has one so I get to use it at least twice a week and the thing is sick, but personally I enjoy my hotbox, it is in a low traffic area and I'm usually the only user so it works great for me


New Member
Haha I'm also to cheap for one right now, but my dealer/close friend has one so I get to use it at least twice a week and the thing is sick, but personally I enjoy my hotbox, it is in a low traffic area and I'm usually the only user so it works great for me

yea i aint been using mine latley. i just got a new pipe so i have been breaking that in.

Abysmal Darkenin

Well-Known Member
Get dabuddah vaporizer Its not very expensive and you can adjust temp... Its almost indestructable :) (not taking account of glass parts.. but they are cheap.. and well guarded buy the metal body design.. And vaporizing need some skill u need to read how to...


Active Member
Get dabuddah vaporizer Its not very expensive and you can adjust temp... Its almost indestructable :) (not taking account of glass parts.. but they are cheap.. and well guarded buy the metal body design.. And vaporizing need some skill u need to read how to...
I think all it takes though is an easy read of the directions page they come with and/or some advice from the place you bought it from, but a hotbox is so simple, plug in, put glass cap on metal pipe in the middle of the whole, turn on, take whip, put screen and top part on (secret if you take the part of the whip with the long tub and black rubber ring, push the rubber ring to the top of that glass part, then take the other part throw the screen down and just force the rubber ring glass piece up against the screen and the other glass piece and now it will stay as one piece and is much more stable and hands free) and fill with herb to little dot you can pack it down with the little stir stick putting the glass tip down first, and plug into vape after 10 min warm up and vape, once it starts not to hit pull out stir the bud and do it again, then once its all basically brown and no more hits are coming take out and blow out/ stir then blow out works great