Jman49 400w Double Chunk Strawberry First Grow in DIY Cabinet

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Nice lookn plants homie, I too think ur ight, One day shouldn't mess it up, long as u wiped most of it, how u got that heater it should dry, I think ur ight tho


Some pics from this morning. They are starting to get frosty. Even the lower buds are getting snowy.

One thing I noticed is the trics are already solid white(checked with micro). Do they start white then go clear, then cloudy, then amber?

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Four weeks into flower, so a little over half way done. Things are going well, except my ph meter is being a PITA, readings drift all over the place. Well I guess you get what you pay for. Going to try electrode cleaning solution and see if that helps.

They are getting really frosty, even the fan leaves are growing trics. Some have a couple of hairs that have turned orange. Still have the little grey moth like things flying around.



Well I kinda lost count and realized this is the last week of nutes before flush! They are starting their 6th week (35 days of flower, 62 days total from clone). Kinda pissed because I was talked into Mad Farmer MOAB at my local Hydro store and it is supposed to be used the last 2 weeks, but I will only be able to use it for 1. For this last res I used the following:
100ml GH micro
150 ml GH bloom
80ml Hydrozyme
100ml of GH berry sweetener
4tsp of MOAB (Mother of all blooms)

The MOAB is 1-52-34 and the bottle says to cut base nutes by 50% to avoid burns, hence only 100ml of micro and 150 of bloom. I wasn't sure if the sweetener needed to be cut in half or not as well, so I went better safe than sorry route and cut it.

Next Tuesday night I will go straight pH water with sweetener for the last week.

As my research has shown this is a pretty leafy strain, and a lower producer. Bummer no foot tall colas for my first grow, but what it lacks in size it makes up with trics. Also a couple of the buds are starting to turn purple a little. I might not have noticed unless I took pics this morning right after the lights went out. One of the few times I have seen them under normal light, sure do look different!

So what is everyone's opinion on a dark period before harvest? I am tentively set to cut them down on 5/30, which will be 7 weeks and 5 days(was told to cut in between 7th and 8th week from source). Going off what many have said when you think you will be ready to harvest wait a couple of days. Unless of course I start seeing amber before then. Currently they are clear/milky. I never saw them really clear, they seemed to start out mostly milky, and I have been watching them for a few weeks now.



The flush has begun! Trics are mostly cloudy with one plant having 2 or 3 amber. The purple has taken off as well, except for 2 or 3 plants. Will probably chop them next wed- fri depending on how they look. I thinned out some of the fan leaves to let the light get to the lower buds and help them ripen.



The harvest is here! 3-4 hours over the last 2 nights and everything is cut. Never got to build a dry box, so I had to use the grow box instead. Figured best filtered ventilation and total darkness. Just sucks that it will delay the start of the next grow by a week or two. The tops are ok, very leafy, so I left a lot of sugar leaves since they are so covered in frost. Also got quite a bit of extremely frosty trimmings for hash. Ordered the Sprung bags earlier this week. The scissor hash was quite good, nice uppity heady high for a strong indica. Smoke report in a few weeks when some of the smaller buds are ready.

Thanks for everyone's help in my first grow! I can't wait to use the knowledge I got from this run to make the next one even better. First thing is to make the box more bug proof. A few Dr Doom foggers and some caulk to seal up any remaining cracks.



Final smoke report. Got 4.5oz of cured weed and 11.5 gm of ice hash. It produces a very good creep up on you high that lasts a very long time. The taste is very smooth as well. On a 1-10 scale I would say taste=9, strength of high=7.5-8 and duration of high=9.5-10. The ice hash is knock you on your ass strong! Of the 11.5 gms, 6.5 is full melt bubble that is as good as what I had in A-Dam.

Currently bombing the box and cleaning the hydroton, pumps and all the other crap. Looking at maybe G13, or a kush next. This grow will be dealing with summer temps, so we will see how it goes.

Thank you to all for the help offered, it was appreciated!