jesus christ, a tree just fell on my shit!

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Just after 2 am, several tons of tree top sheered off the large oak tree in my yard and partially landed on my new '11 car :((((( thank god i have some "goat" to smoke on right now !!! :shock: That shit landed 20 feet from our beds, and I didnt know if i needed to grab my gun or my nuts or both as I jumped outta bed to the sounds of falling tree right next to me. Took me a few seconds to realize what could be going on... this shit was intense.

I dunno what to do about my car.. it's f'ing 3am. i dont know if homeowners covers this kind of bullshit, or if my car insurance will do something.. and i don't have gap coverage... I hope i don't get fucked over this bullshit..

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I would call your car insurance company and make a claim immediately...

It's called an 'act of god'... out of human control... I believe basic insurance covers this.


Well-Known Member
Is Jesus still lying there, we are trying to find a better photo of him


Well-Known Member
i know someone who has 3 baseball sized hail chunk in their freezer for insurance evidence. we got hit with a wicked hail storm and it shattered his windshield along with a few huge dents. insurance companies suck tho and they will try to jerk you for as long as possible, def make a claim asap.