Japanese Slow Drip cold coffee brewer for oil extraction


Well-Known Member
Hi all just came up with a really cool way of extraxting Cannibis oil.

So I set up my Japanese Slow Drip cold coffee brewer for a coffee and realized this would be an excellent way of extracting the oil.

I put an ounce of trim in the freezer and froze the weed and filled the top pot of the coffee brewer with 99% isopropyl and left it all in freezer overnight. In the morning I put the weed in the blender to get it then loaded it into the coffee brewer and started the slow drip brewer up and put the whole contraption in the deep chest freezer -27 degrees celcius.

I haven't evaperated it or vacuume purged it. Yet but it been dripping for 12hrs in the deep chest freezer and there is no chlorophle or green coloring at all. Its a urine color at the moment. Usually in other techniques where you soak the weed, completely submerging it in ISO, after 20mins its starts to turn the so green in color. I think this way will yeild more oil as you can keep washing the weed until all the oil is out and not run the risk of contaminating it with chloro
Ill keep you all posted on yeild

Does anyone make the oil and if so have you used this technique before?